::You won't be around here forever, right?::



Name: Nalchass
Bonds: Carskadei, Nyuss
Bonded At: The Abstract Destiny, Biosynth 16
Species: D-strain Xenodragon: Dracotype Warrior
Age: Hatchling
Sex: Male
Height: 2'6" long (will be 16 at the shoulder full grown)
Color: Gray-white
Mother: Tsiasaniess
Residence: Cy Dragonstake
Hive: Proquess, Shishayair, Uecoss, Ominous Corollary, Alladross, Lohress, Kae-ryss, Carskadei, Greolis Tah, Anon Night, Venuss
Cyborware: Moderate token (hatchling, unused), moderate token (adult, unused)
Personality: All it takes is one bad cook to spoil the broth, so even though there's plenty of nice-enough folks in Proquess's hive, people like Shishayair entirely spoil it for Nalchass. It's not the species he has a problem with, but the personalities! Like Carskadei, like his entire breed, he is inherently good, and nearly half of the hive gets his metaphorical hackles up. If Carskadei stays around long enough for Nalchass to grow up, he'll probably wind up in a great many fights as he leaps to defend the nicer hive-members from the crueler.
Magic: Acid Immunity. Alkaline Blood. D-Mindstream Communication. Resin Secretion. Telepathy. Wall-Climbing




Caught By



? ? ? ?


Adult Image


Proquess' Story

Nalchass's Hatching




Background from Background Paradise