She's the head of your hive? You have got to be kidding me!



Alladross's Hatching


Name: Alladross
From: Edge of Shadows; born at the Abstract Destiny
Bond: Uecoss
Species: Genetic manipulation: half Xenodragon, half catdragon hybrid
Rank: Warrior, high
Age: Adult
Sex: Male
Height: 15'1" at the head (was 2'7" at the head at hatching)
Color: Black-Silver
Horns: Purple
Heads: Orange (lightning) and red (fire)
Family: Dread Corollary, mother; Proquess, other mother
Residence: Cy Dragonstake
Hive: Proquess, Shishayair, Uecoss, Ominous Corollary, Lohress, Kae-ryss, Mu-lin, Carskadei, Greolis Tah, Anon Night, Venuss
Personality: Alladross does not like Shishayair. He likes Proquess even less. Uecoss is the only one he likes at all, and even then it's a rocky relationship. Recipe for further tension? You bet. Alladross is cocky and insubordinate, and isn't afraid of a little pain. Or a lot of pain. In fact, pain doesn't seem to bug him at all (he must get that from Dark). You'd have to kill the brat to make him shut up, and he's very good at keeping himself alive. He goes where Uecoss goes, though, so unless she ever leaves Proquess's bizarre little "hive", he's there to stay. 
Abilities: Telepathy, flight, teleportation, wall-crawling, acidic blood, mindstream communication, verbal speech, snakebite (fire and lightning)


Hatchling Image


Proquess' Story



Background from Background Paradise