Just who is the leader here?



Read Alladross's Hatching


Name: Uecoss
From: Edge of Shadows
Bond: Alladross
Bonded at: Abstract Destiny
Species: Genetic manipulation: half Xenodragon, half Clawtongue
Age: Young
Sex: Female
Height: 12'7" at the shoulder full grown, medium-small
Color: Starry black with gold
Fur: Metallic silver
Feathers: Blue and white
Family: Dantiss, father; unknown clawtongue, mother
Residence: Cy Dragonstake
Hive: Proquess, Shishayair, Ominous Corollary, Alladross, Lohress, Kae-ryss, Mu-lin, Carskadei, Greolis Tah, Anon Night, Venuss
Personality: Unlike her pure-xenodragon counterpart, Uecoss is very assertive and can be very aggressive about that assertiveness. It is only Shishayair's greater strength and intelligence that keeps her in line and keeps her from putting the lowly, submissive drone in her place-- which Proquess would probably prefer, anyway! As it is, Uecoss is certain that she should be higher in the hive ranking than Proquess, but since Shishayair-- the real leader of the fledgling hive, even though he's not a xenodragon even in part-- favors Proquess and says Proquess has more authority, so it is. For now. Uecoss expects that once she grows up, she'll have the rank she deserves... and if not, she can always leave.  

On the whole, Uecoss is not senselessly violent: she does not glory in death and destruction for no reason. But neither is she a sweet and good little monster, either. She'll gladly kill if the killing has a purpose or a plan, and gladly torment and torture if she thinks it will get her somewhere. Given that, at the moment, she doesn't really care about her hive-mates, and so has no kindness or tenderness for them, time alone will tell if she's capable of any kind or tender emotion, at all. Even her bond, for all they are alike in attitude, gets bickered with, nipped, and growled at from time to time. 

Abilities: Telepathy, flight, wall-crawling, acidic blood, mindstream communication


Proquess' Story



Background from Background Paradise