"I don't know why I'm so easy to overlook... but I don't mind, either."



Name: Anon Night
From: Lylan Keep
Species: Hybrid: half catdragon, whorling, silshar; half unknown breeds
Age: Hatchling
Sex: Female
Height: 14'1" at the shoulder and 81" long full grown
Color: Lightning-winged black-purple-autumn
Parents: Tenkai, mother; Nightshade Fear, father
Residence: Cy Dragonstake
Hive: Proquess, Shishayair, Uecoss, Ominous Corollary, Alladross, Lohress, Kae-ryss, Mu-lin, Carskadei, Greolis Tah, Venuss

Though she is both bold and powerful, not to mention highly intelligent, Anon Night really isn't very motivated. She doesn't want to do anything with her boldness, power, and intelligence, and is quite content to be overlooked, watch from the sidelines, and act bored with life. She admires strength in others-- particularly her sponsor, Shishayair, who she admires more than most-- but doesn't hold weakness against anyone. It would be too much effort, after all. She is quiet unless she really has something to say, and has no qualms sticking up for herself or others if she feels the need to, but she isn't particularly compassionate and there has to be a good reason for her to bestir herself.  

Abilities: Wingless flight, Telepathy, Teleportation, Verbal speech, Invisibility, Intangibility, See the Invisible, Poisonous bite, Wall-climbing, Create Lightning spiders, Call Lightning


Adult image (Coming soon)


Proquess' Story

Greolis Tah's Hatching



Background from Background Paradise