Why do we have to stay with these horrible people?



Name: Venuss
Bond: Lohress
Bonded At: The Hybridization Center
Species: Xenomutt: half kirin hybrid, quarter xenodragon, quarter catdragon
Age: Adult
Sex: Female
Height: 11'1" at the shoulder (medium)
Color: Brown and white with blue
Parents: Darkess, Murasaki'Shinjiru Taelaanaa
Residence: Cy Dragonstake
Hive: Proquess, Shishayair, Uecoss, Ominous Corollary, Alladross, Lohress, Kae-ryss, Mu-lin, Carskadei, Greolis Tah, Anon Night
Personality: Lohress didn't really know what he was getting into when he found out about the hybridization center and the xenodragon-kirindragon hybrids there, he just thought it sounded cool and like something that might be a fun, friendly addition to the hive. What he hoped for was something with the kirin's gentleness and compassion and the xenodragon's spirit and toughness. What he got-- and wound up bonded to, for that matter-- was Venuss. She's brilliant, certainly; she's organized, definitely; she's also self-centered, high strung, and regularly hides behind him when in the presence of the rest of the hive. She is, really, something of an embarrassment to him. 

Venuss, herself, just wants him to leave this horrible hive and go somewhere where no one gangs up on her and tries to scare her-- or scares her without even trying! She's not a priss, a baby, or even exactly a coward, she's just got a very good imagination and is easily frightened by specific things-- such as the threat of pain and humiliation, for example. She really does care about her bond, she just cares about herself more, and doesn't understand why he won't do what she wants to make her happy. Certainly he would be happier, too, right? Really, all Venuss wants is a chance to get a degree, get a good job where she can exercise her considerable smarts, and be a normal person, preferably someplace accepting like Star City, where dragons are just like any other person. 

Abilities: Telepathy, verbal speech, shapeshifting (anthro), elemental control (shadow), elemental immunity (shadow)


Proquess' Story



Background from Background Paradise