"I'll go with you if you won't eat me...."



Name: Greolis Tah ("Watchful Shadow")
From: The Abstract Destiny
Species: Semi-spirit Whorling
Age: Hatchling
Sex: Male
Height: 4'0" at the head at hatching
Color: Metallic brown
Parents: Dark Shadow/Tahalla, Erigo, Skuift
Residence: Cy Dragonstake
Hive: Proquess, Shishayair, Uecoss, Ominous Corollary, Alladross, Lohress, Kae-ryss, Mu-lin, Carskadei, Anon Night, Venuss
Cyborware: Synthetic armor (major), surveillance system monitoring visor (minor)

Greolis is a fellow who goes around walking on eggshells and with about a million kilowatts jolting through his veins, which is to say he's nervous and paranoid almost to the point of delusion. He jumps at the smallest of shadows and practically quivers himself to pieces if someone just happens to look at him wrong-- even if they're his best friend. He's one of the easiest people in the world to scare, not because he believes everyone and everything in the world is out to get him, but because it's easy to imagine something going horribly wrong. Joined with his paranoia is an incredible overprotective streak. Anyone Greolis likes will have to deal with him trying to talk them out of anything he finds scary. 

And let's not even talk about what happens when his Danger Sense actually goes off. 

Abilities: Danger Sense, Spirit Hearing, telepathy, teleportation, verbal speech


Without cyborware


Proquess' Story

Greolis Tah's Hatching



Background from Background Paradise