"I must see it through-- even though I think I may have picked the wrong thing to see through!" 



Name: Carskadei
From: The Edge of Shadows, Chinese New Year, Year of the Metal Dog
Bonds: Nalchass, Nyuss
Bonded At: The Abstract Destiny, Biosynth 16
Species: Thirty-six headed Dogdra
Age: Adult
Sex: Female
Height: 18'6" at the shoulder
Color: Metal
Residence: Cy Dragonstake
Hive: Proquess, Shishayair, Uecoss, Ominous Corollary, Alladross, Lohress, Kae-ryss, Mu-lin, Greolis Tah, Anon Night, Venuss
Personality: In many ways, Carskadei is the opposite of her new "hive"-- whose members, to her, are more employers than family, as Shishayair hired her specifically to help look after all the children in the hive, though the rest of the hive has adopted her as one of their own, in their own fashions. Still, opposed to their generally rough attitudes and neutral-or-worse alignments, her staunch morality and good alignment definitely seem out of place. But she is determined to see her job done well, and is even more determined to raise the little ones to the best of her ability. It's possible that she might even come to like one or two of them-- Proquess's submissive and nervous air endears her just a little to the dogdra's mind, and Lohress treats her with friendly courtesy-- given time. The rest of them, though, are to her mind pure terrors, and that includes Shishayair, for he is constantly attempting to worm his way into her good graces; she resists his charms because she has a good idea of what he's really like. 

While she lives with the hive, it is quite likely that there will be arguments, for Carskadei is rarely quiet about her opinions-- and she has as many of them as she has heads. Nor does she generally mind her own business, wanting to know everything that's going on with the rest of the strange little family, mostly because she thinks it necessary in order to raise the hatchlings, but also partly (a small part) simply out of a desire to know. What few friends she manages to make outside her near-constant duties as governess, nursemaid, and guardian she treasures greatly, if just because they help keep her sane, but also because she is highly loyal and helpful. 

Abilities: Flight, telepathy, teleportation, verbal speech


Proquess' Story



Background from Background Paradise