"I don't see why everyone says you're boring. I think you're fascinating."


Read the Hatching Story

Read Stories of Frux's Four


Name: Aethenn
Bonds: Hambia Sesske, Naeuseth
Bonded at: Nidus Ryslen's 2005 Flurry
Sex: Male
Species: Dragontaur: half Flurry Eastern, half Lian Gem mini
Height: 4'9" at the shoulder
Color: Snowflake-marked sapphire-white
Eyes: Black
Parents: Walker, father, Eastern Flurry dragon; Peridot Olivinya, mother, Lian gem mini
Other: Pebai Cn'eni, Hambia Sesske, Alaina, Vesarus, Martyneth
Residence: The Avengaean Nidus, Apartment A13; also, more regularly, the Driolo Bonding Complex
Position: Student
Pet: Movolo, runic rukel

Aethenn's second great love is knowledge. Much like her, he eats it up whenever he can. He has little patience for fiction, preferring things that are real, based in fact, and useful-- but he does appreciate good writing, and works hard to achieve that skill, himself. The love of knowledge spills over into a love of the places information is stored: particularly books. He can be positively furious, in a strangely quiet way, when he discovers a book has been damaged. He'd make a good librarian, someday, provided the library never goes digital. To him, computers are cold and sterile. 

If Aethen's second great love is knowledge, his first great love is his bond. To Aethenn, his bond Hambia walks on water. He'd do just about anything for her, and no matter how bemused she might be by his behavior, he still keeps it up. He isn't incredibly overt about his affection and admiration, however, being a quiet and deliberate soul by nature. He does have passions-- for learning and for making his bond happy, or for keeping books safe and clean-- but they are contained passions.

Abilities: Telekinesis (strong; can levitate himself), spirit-sense


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