


Name: Movolo
Belongs to: Hambia, Aethenn, and especially Naeuseth
From: Darkling Dawn
Sex: Male
Size: 1'6" tall
Species: Rukel
Color: Dark gray-blue
Residence: The Avengaean Nidus, Apartment A13
Personality: Movolo isn't the most friendly of characters. In fact, he's rather snarky, always ready with a snide comment just barely on the polite side of rude, and he's quite conceited and self-centered. No one's sure whether he's a softie under the prickly outside or if he's really just a jerk, through and through. He's no better with his three "owners"-- and don't ever let him hear you call them that, either-- but he will, at least, accept petting and the occasional lap-or-equivalent sitting from them. 
Abilities: Create light, create darkness, comprehend languages (spoken and written)


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