"Oh yeah. I'm cool. Really. You can't even fathom how cool I am."


Read the Bonding Story

Read Stories of Frux's Four


Name: Brio Nerano
Guardian: Frux Ivou
Sponsored from: The Fur and Feathers Frenzy
Sponsors: Calibanio and Portiass Nerano, Shana Nerano
From: The Abstract Destiny
Sex: Male
Height: 15'0" at the shoulder
Fur: Red, orange points
Fringe and mane: Black
Spade: Black with gold
Eyes: Purple
Parents: Stake, father, Fire Chyrith; Aduri Nerano, mother, Avengaean Fire
Other: Tantra Netor, Catame Danui, Daynoren Danui, Novitas Puchre, Pebai Cn'eni, Hambia Sesske, Ontellonji Jariane
Residence: The Avengaean Nidus, Apartment A13; also, more regularly, the Driolo Bonding Complex
Pet: ?
Personality: Brio is coolness incarnate. He's all about being stylish and hip and impressing everybody he can. Whether this is because he is really insecure, really trying to get attention, or really shallow is anybody's guess. He certainly can care about other people, he just tends not to notice them if he doesn't deem them worthy of being impressed by him, unless they're forced upon him. 

However, Brio can also be very touchy about his supposed coolness, and though he reacts poorly to perceived slights of all kinds, he is especially touchy when he thinks his abilities with fire magic are being insulted. To the surprise of many, he will even stick his lower lip out in a perfectly childlike sulk, no matter how old he gets.  

Abilities: Fire and Heat Magic: This general ability allows a dragon to summon, control, and extinguish fire, as well as add heat to an object or place. Level two, Brio possesses a very low level of power and control of this ability. 

Functional Magic: A wide-ranging ability that allows the user to do anything from enchanting an object to change temperature, to casting a protective spell, to creating a communication or light charm. Functional magic covers more then this, but you get the general idea. Level four, Brio possesses a fairly average level of power and control. 

Self-healing: As it sounds, this is the ability to heal himself or regenerate. At level two, Brio is not particularly good at this and can only heal small wounds quickly, or heal large wounds at an only slightly faster rate than natural healing alone. 

Summon Fire: Allows the user to summon fire out of nothingness. At level nine, Brio is exceptionally good at this skill, and is quite proud of it. 

Vocal Speech: The ability to speak verbally, rather then telepathically. At level two, Brio isn't a particularly good public speaker, and he spent a lot of time before choosing who he wanted to be sponsored with training himself not to stutter-- because stuttering is so uncool. Even so, when he gets nervous, tense, or angry, that stutter does tend to come out! 

Theme: Halo - I confess







The Abstract Destiny


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Avengaea is the Creative Property of Jkatkina

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