"Third time's the charm?"



Name: Dokjyzlui Keptvag
Primary Bond: Gibelettes
Co-bonds: Keshnarmeynee Adumbra; Verklei; Iszgih
Bonded At: The Abstract Destiny, Biosynth 14
Residence: Avengaea
Species: Biran Caetran (Terisae elements)
Age: Adult
Sex: Female
Height: 13'3" at the shoulder (2'4" at hatching)
Color: Gray-pointed brown
Eyes: Green-gold
Cyborware: Moderate (hatchling token); moderate (adult token)
Synth Parents: Aratlan Keptvag; Thosan (Biopool elements)
Position: Auntie to the pack
Personality: Perhaps it's trite and cliche to say "third time's the charm" but, well, that's just how it turned out this time around, much to Gibelettes's relief and Dokjyzlui's pleasure. Dokjyzlui is kind, gentle, and easygoing, but with plenty of the guts it takes to be able to stand up to Keshnarmeynee all on her own. Her chosen might say she is lacking in bravery-- though Dokjyzlui disagrees, stating that fear itself is not a sign of cowardice-- but Dokjyzlui has enough to make up for it. She's not reckless by any stretch, and certainly she knows there's nothing wrong with a little healthy fear towards someone much bigger and meaner than you, but that doesn't mean she's about to be pushed around just because Keshna's a grumpy sourpuss-- her own description of the caetran. And once she's grown up, Dokjyzlui will be happy to give back to Gibelettes the looking-after the dragon has so selflessly given to others: Dokjyzlui has a streak in her that's not just motherly, it's matronly. Just call her "Auntie".
Abilities: Dark Vision. Functional Magic. Psionics (Telepathy, Teleportation). Shapeshifting (Caetran-Human Spectrum). Verbal Speech.

Hatchling Image


Read Keshnarmeynee's Story

Chapter One - Chapter Two

Read Verklei's Hatching Story - Read Iszgih's Hatching Story

Chapter Three

Read Rasil and Zourin's Hatchling Story

Chapter Four - Chapter Five - Chapter Six - Chapter Seven

Read Dokjyzlui's Hatching Story

Chapter Eight - Chapter Nine - Chapter Ten



Avengaea is the Creative Property of Jkatkina