The (Scary) Girl Next Door


Read Stories of Frux's Four


Name: Corara Jariane
Sponsor: Ontellonji Jariane
Sponsored from: The Fur and Feathers Frenzy
Sex: Female
Size: 16'1" from foot to head; 63'11" long
Species: Half bonder daemon, quarter Avyndal, eighth Aven Fire, eighth Aven Light
Fur: White with gold striping and gray underside and muzzle-mask
Hair and Tufts: Black
Wings and Fins: Silver
Jewels and Horn: Gold and black
Eyes: Gray
Family: Ontellonji Jariane, father; Shandura, mother; Ramana Jariane, sister
Residence: The Driolo Bonding Complex and School
Rank: 17
Pet: Euan, a Halloween Flitter
Personality: A butch dragoness in appearance and attitude, Corana is very physical and, therefore, sometimes appears less intelligent then she really is. She's almost as much of a troublemaker as her pop was, and she's just as bull-headed, if not moreso! She and he are likely to come to heads whenever they happen to feel differently about something; thankfully, they aren't around each other all the time, so they don't look on their fighting as something bad, but almost something to look forward to, cherish as part of their admittedly complex relationship, and a sign that they still love each other, they just show it in strange ways. 

Still, Corara's good at heart, she's just a little rough around the edges and exudes a "tough girl" aura, so it's hard to see, for people rarely get close enough to find out. Once you manage to get within her circle of trust, though, she's a friend for life and would die to protect you. She's a sucker for people who are picked on, outsiders, or ignored, in particular, and will go out of her way to try and befriend one-- sometimes with mixed results, given her reputation for scaring people! 

Abilities: Verbal Speech, Psionics (Telepathy and Telekinesis), Speed Magic, Magic Suction




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