::Awwww, it's not all that bad! --Look at this, I can blow triple-bubbles! Isn't that cool?::



Name: Bubblebath
Bond: Oco
Bonded At: The "Naughty" Clutch
Homeworld: Healing Den
Species: Mixed-breed Drak
Age: Adult
Sex: Female
Size: 6'2" at the shoulder; 19'8" long
Color: Rainbow blue
Eyes: Pink
Mother: Wind Cephari
Father: Rainbow Nth
Residence: Mardusion, near the Squall of the Sanctum Dream
Personality: If there ever was a pair of opposites, Oco and Bubblebath is a prime example. While Oco is dismal and pessimistic, Bubblebath is cheerful and optimistic-- if a bit childlike and dense, at times. She is perhaps the most innocent thing to come out of the massive Naughty clutch, and she doesn't care that she simply doesn't fit in. Bubblebath is quite content to be herself, whatever that might be. Not even Oco's glum demeanor can dampen her spirits, and she even manages to earn the occasional smile from her feline bond now and then, which is enough to keep her happy for weeks. 
Abilities: Besides the typical teleportation and telepathy most dragons have, Bubblebath can also create and manipulate soap bubbles like nobody's business. 


Read the Chaos Cats' Story:

Chapter One: Boredom - Chapter Two: Idea - Chapter Three: Oco




Webpage Design by Terry

Chaos Cats are the creative property of Phoenix

Background from Background Paradise