Little Bell



Name: Little Bell
Belongs To: Lyric
Species: Neshay (or "Hopper")
From: Sanctuary of the Sun
Age: Adult
Sex: Female
Size: 1'2" from nose to rump; 2'5" to the end of her tail
Color: Blue-gray
Tail Rings: Violet, mulberry, and silver
Eyes: Black
Residence: Star City Station
Personality: Quietly affectionate, Little Bell is named for her silver coloring and a peculiar sound she makes when she's contented, much like a small bell. She is sweet and difficult to rile, with no qualms being handled by someone other than her owner and imprinted master, Lyric. That isn't to say she doesn't prefer him, which she does, but she is calm enough of temperament to be friendly with others, as well. In fact, she can be quite a help when he's working with nervous or upset children, nuzzling and purring the reluctant child until they are calm again. 
Abilities: Healing magic in her horn


Lyric's Story



Webpage Design by Terry