"There is more than enough cruelty here without my adding to it."



Name: Ummor
Guardian: Habithi Balechild
From: The Twisted Fate, Biotheurge 02
Sponsored At: The BWR Giveaway: Darksilver; Nidus Avengaea Lineages: Sirisi
Species: Gryphydra
Age: Half-grown
Sex: Female
Height: Halfway between 1'11" (hatchling size) and 6'11 (adult size) at the shoulder
Color: Black-red
Parents: Chen, father; Nysinae, mother
Residence: Star City Dragonry
Rune Branding: Glass charm (hatchling, unused); Glass charm (adult, unused)
Personality: Along with being very quiet, Ummor is arguably a kind, gentle, and considerate creature. But that, however, is only towards those who walk the same shadowed path that she does. She won't contribute to charity or help an old woman across the street, but among other shades of evil, she is reliable and respectable. It's not hard to imagine her as a sort of den mother--as long as you're speaking of a den of thieves, rather than Cub Scouts.
Abilities: Darkness magic: The darkness magic inherited from Nysinae is a magic of shadows granted solid form, used for stealth and magical attacks. This includes shadow-cloaks, short-range shadowwalking, and darts/blades/etc. made of solid shadowstuff. The magic itself can only be worked in the darkness of night and is dispelled by daylight. 



Verbal Speech


Adult Image


Ummor's Story



Background from Background Paradise