"Noooo, don't touch that! I had it just perfect!"



Name: Tenalera
Sponsor: Deborah Ann Falken
From: Clan Akelara
Homeworld: Unknown
Species: Persian
Age: Young adult
Sex: Female
Height: 5'9" at the shoulder, 15'2" long
Color: Cream
Eyes: Orange
Parents: Unknown
Other: Anjahe
Residence: Star City, the richer levels
Personality: Quiet and more than a little shy, Tenalera is a pleasant Persian to spend time with. She doesn't believe herself better than everyone else, doesn't naysay just to be contrary, and doesn't go out of her way to make other's lives difficult. What she does do, though, is demand perfection. She's an artist, and absolutely has to have her area exactly right, or high heaven itself will hear her wrath. In specific terms, she is a perfectionist and more than a little obsessive-compulsive when it comes to neatness!
Abilities: Shadow and darkness magic


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Webpage Design by Terry

Background from Background Paradise