


Name: Taieth
Bonds: Ymyasorva Lyraano, Kesspioth
Bonded At: The Vella Crean, The Final Clutch
Homeworld: The Vella Crean
Species: Blood Court
Age: Hatchling
Sex: Male
Height: Old World Bronze-sized
Color: Green-bronze
Horns: Steel
Eyes: Red
Residence: Soryth aFan (Vision's Arrow), a small space ship
Position: None
Personality: Taieth's not your typical bronze dragon: he's not brash, he's not brazen, and he's certainly not leadership material. In fact, he comes across as a little bit too meek for everyone else's taste, even submissive. He follows orders well-- in fact, there is speculation as to why doesn't he just give up on pretense and say 'yes mistress', like he wants to. People don't understand him, how he can be so patient with a stern marm as a rider and a arrogant little brat for a sister and co-bond. But he managers it so well, people just blame those blood court genetics. However, with a slightly sneakier and far more intelligent mind that people give him credit for, Taeieth is, for lack of a better word, mysterious. 
Abilities: Coming soon....
Theme: ?


Adult Image


Ymyasorva's Story



The Sythyn and Llyr aRraanor are the creations of CacophenyAngel. Do not use without permission.