Dragon Whorlings



Name: Kizrh
Homeworld: The EverRealms
Species: Dragon Whorling
Sex: Female
Size: 10'7" at the shoulder
Color: Water-patterned gold and orange
Eyes: Green
Position: Security
Personality: Calm and stoic, Kizrh would be the strong, silent type if she were male. As it is, everyone calls her the resident butch, and she swats them casually with her tail-fin in passing when she hears it. Not much gets her riled, but she goes love a good fight when emotions aren't involved. 
Abilities: Verbal Speech, Poison Breath Weapon, Sonic Power, Natural Combat Ability, Flight: Glide



Name: Fuzzbutt
Homeworld: The EverRealms
Species: Dragon Whorling
Sex: Male
Size: 3'9" at the shoulder
Color: Mottled pink and yellow
Eyes: Green
Position: None
Personality: Completely undisturbed by his funny name and funnier coloring, Fuzzbutt is a cheerful, sometimes spastic, but all-around friendly sort. He's hard to ruffle and harder to anger, and yes, he did choose his own name, so don't bother teasing him about it. 
Abilities: Verbal Speech, Control Elemental Force: Air, Heal Others



The Sythyn and Llyr aRraanor are the creations of CacophenyAngel. Do not use without permission.