Dragon Whorlings



Name: Senske
Homeworld: The EverRealms
Species: Dragon Whorling
Sex: Female
Size: 2'8" at the shoulder
Color: Mahogany with green and blue
Eyes: Aqua
Position: ?
Personality: An outgoing and assertive sort, Senske is both vocal and vibrant. She is accepting of anything that doesn't smack of cruelty or malice to her, and has some very liberal ideals, herself. When not spouting her opinions or engaged in a vicious debate, she can be quite flirty, in a dominant sort of fashion. 
Abilities: Energy Absorbtion, Telepathy, Magnetism, Alter Limbs



Name: Faniel
Homeworld: The EverRealms
Species: Dragon Whorling
Sex: Male
Size: 4'2" at the shoulder
Color: Mottled tan and gray with brown
Eyes: Green
Position: Tinkerer and computer maintenance
Personality: Faliel is a whorling of opposites. He is a definite home-body, yet he loves to travel; he zips around at lightning speed when the mood takes him, but he hates being rushed; he's extremely old fashioned about many things, and yet he loves tinkering and inventing and innovating. Really, though, he's a cheerful fellow, and quite friendly. 
Abilities: Verbal Speech, Control Static Electricity, Clock Manipulation, Supervision, Size-Shifting, Wingless Flight



Name: Yanao
Homeworld: The EverRealms
Species: Dragon Whorling
Sex: Female
Size: 6'9" at the shoulder
Color: Brown with green and violet
Eyes: Gold
Position: Grounds maintenance
Personality: A chatty whorling, Yanao is friendly and easy-going, if a bit silly. Still, she never dislikes anyone and loves being useful, so she's nice to have around, as long as you don't mind having your ear talked off about nothing particularly important at all.   
Abilities: Verbal Speech, Plant Control, Earth Manipulation, Sleep-Mist Breath Weapon



The Sythyn and Llyr aRraanor are the creations of CacophenyAngel. Do not use without permission.