"She's my wife, she's not supposed to turn into a man!"


Name: Riyikith Kethron Irilai
Sponsored At: The Abstract Destiny
Homeworld: Jolynn
Species: Dragon Clan Shadow Dragon (Fire Dragon roots)
Age: Young Adult
Sex: Male
Height: 14'2" at the shoulder
Color: Charcoal gray, black spikes and markings
Height, human: 5'9"
Skin: Pale
Hair: Black, streaked with blue (dyed), long and usually braided
Eyes: Gray-blue
Position: General-use spy and eavesdropper
Description: In human form, what he's generally seen in, Riya is slim and quick, taut and often energetic that he looks like he's vibrating. He is very pale, as if his skin never soaked up the sun, and has thick, black hair pulled back into a braid, bangs and streaks of bright blue, as if dyed. He has wide, almond eyes, colored an odd mix of gray, blue, and violet. 

In shadow-dragon form, Riya is all spines: around his face, down his back, protruding from elbows, wrists, and wing-tips. These spines are pitch black. His scales are burnished charcoal, vaguely reflective when clean, and his wings thick and leathery, rather than delicate. 

Personality: Generally a jovial soul and a definite class clown, Riya might have had far too much seriousness in his life, but he's never too jaded to try and lighten the mood with a joke or a tease. Touchy in a teasing way, he'll tug on bits of hair or poke or even tickle, if he's got someone ticklish within reach, and relatively fearless in who he teases, which can get him into trouble. He's got a temper, but usually keeps it confined to sharp remarks-- he isn't a violent person, and he prefers to avoid trouble than to tackle it head-on. It takes a lot to make him actually shout, but when he gets to that point, he's not going to forgive you without a lot of groveling on your part. 

Lately Riya's had to deal with far more serious issues than he'd like to, however, and it tends to wear him out. Having one's young wife be angry and cold by turns can be draining, for the energy and the ego, and he fluctuates between trying to cut her some slack because of what she's been through, certain she's regretting getting hitched, and being annoyed at her for being so stand-offish. 

History: Coming soon....
Abilities: First and foremost, Riyikith is bonded to the spirit of an ancient and very talkative shadow dragon, called a kaiser, which caused him to change from his birth form-- a fire dragon-- to his current species-- shadow dragon. This bonding gives him a few abilities he wouldn't otherwise have, such as the creation of a bonded weapon, increased shadow-magic, and kaiser-speak, or silent communication via the spiritual connection between kaisers. There are plenty of other abilities that could have come with the bonding, as well, but as his kaiser is both absent-minded and not particularly inclined towards battle-training, Riya doesn't know how to access any of them.  

On his own, Riya can shape-shift between three dragon forms and a human form, the latter being what he's most commonly in. The dragon forms are a fire dragon adult and fire dragon hatchling (called "wildfire form") and a shadow dragon adult, a gift from his kaiser but one that is, now, much more a part of him than the way he was born. When in fire dragon form, he is immune to the effects of fire and fire magic. When he is in human or shadow dragon form, he can manipulate shadows, using them as weapons, shields, bindings, doorways, whatever he can think of. He has rapid regeneration, which works best when he's in the "shadow-realm", or hopping between shadows. 

Riya has weaknesses against particular types of magic, because of his heritage. Light-based magic harms him worse than any other because of his shadow species, and water-based magic is nearly as bad, due to his fire heritage. A true fire dragon cannot even bathe in water, but as Riya is technically a shadow dragon now, he does not have this weakness. 

Theme: ?




Name: Ivana Malin
From: The Abstract Destiny
Homeworld: Jolynn
Species: Half Dragon Clan Shadow Dragon, half Dragon Clan Phoenix
Age: Hatchling
Sex: Female
Height: 2'10" at the shoulder, will be 8'8" full frown
Color: Orange with black spines and feathers
Height, human: ?
Skin: ?
Hair: ?
Eyes: Blue-green
Position: Student
Personality: Vaguely absent-minded and a touch inconsiderate, Ivana has a tendency to forget that other people have wants and needs the same way she does. She's not intentionally selfish or malicious, but she still puts herself first and forgets the rest. She likes other people very well, is friendly with most others that she meets, and wants to be liked in turn, but she just can't help forgetting to keep other people in mind (like drinking the last of the milk even when her mother planned on baking with it, or going out in her father's coat even though he told her he wanted to wear it that evening). And it isn't just a childhood behavior -- it may alleviate somewhat with maturity and experience, but she'll never be rid of her thoughtlessness completely.
Abilities: Dragon Spirit, Verbal Speech 
Tokens: Minor (hatchling, unused)



Riyikith and Ivana's Story

Chapter One: Kids? - Chapter Two (By Phe): Yeah, Kids - Chapter Three: Kid - Chapter Four: Kid Growing Up


Quote from an actual role-play : )