"Give me good, solid earth any day, and I'll be happy."


Name: Talm-Dai Silvermine
Bond: Gannonaji
Bonded At: Nidus Ryslen, 2004 Flurry
Homeworld: Mythicalae
Species: Ursael Fleshshifter
Age: 30
Sex: Female
Height: 6'0" as a human, 7'1" in half-form, 5'5" at the shoulder in bear form
Hair and Fur:  Dark gray, long and shaggy
Skin: Grayed tan
Eyes: Light blue
Description: Among humans and most species of Fleshshifter, Talm-Dai is large, tall, and burly; among her own kind, Talm-Dai is a midget. As a human she stands at six feet even, with strong arms, thick legs and waist, and big hands; as a bear, she stands just under five and a half feet at the shoulder; as a half or anthromorphic bear, she is a third again shorter than most of her kind, reaching only just over seven feet in height, though she is quite brawny enough to satisfy the requirements of strength in her people-- if only she were taller! Her hair, or fur should she be wearing one of those forms that has it, is charcoal gray, thick, and shaggy, as she simply cannot be bothered to groom it properly. Why bother, when no one will see her? Her skin is a similar grayed tan shade, as a human, and no matter what form she wears, Talm-Dai always has quiet, pale blue eyes.

In general, Talm-Dai's preferred form is human, if she is going to be anywhere where someone might see her. It is her least abnormal form, in her own mind, despite being well over average female human height and well under Ursael human-form height. Her clothes are plain and serviceable, well-patched but sturdy and of strong materials, and her hair is long and mostly pulled back by a kerchief. When alone, however, she prefers being a full bear, to make use of her keener senses and strength.

Personality: Talm-Dai is a very shy Ursael, avoiding the people that most of her kind, as healers, might seek out, spending most of her time underground mining for silver. She even avoids other Ursael shifters-- or perhaps especially. She sees her size, or lack of it, as something of a lack in herself, and doesn't like other Ursael to see her. Predictably, that self-consciousness spread into a general shyness. Talm-Dai is happiest underground or in the woods, where she is alone with her thoughts and wild animals and the music of the wind. At those times, she is calm and at peace, and when she is in her element, digging up precious stones and metals or carefully working the same into delicate jewelry, she can be downright assertive, knowing exactly what needs to be done and how to do it-- as long as there is no one there but her occasional rodent- and reptile-Shifter assistants.
Magic: Talm-Dai has no healing magic, and she likes it that way. Instead, she is deeply in tune with the earth, speaking to it to heal it, find trouble spots, dig stable mines, and produce the finest ores and gems. She can also use Earth powers to augment her own strength, useful for someone as small, comparatively, as she, and to make herself hyper-aware of her surroundings and who might be in them. The only useful psionic gift she has is a small ability with telekinetics.


Talm-Dai's Story

Chapter One - Chapter Two

The Hatching Story

Chapter Three - Chapter Four



Webpage Design by Terry

Fleshshifters are creative property of Drakiera