Cacopheny's Story

Cracked: Chapter Eighty-Nine

Written in Collaboration with Phoenix


Cacopheny was the last one up the next morning, and even then he was still suppressing yawns. He'd somehow managed to get very tightly wound up in the blanket-sleeping bag-thing Aedelian had given him to sleep in, which was perfectly all right while he was asleep, but led to a moment of panic when he woke up and couldn't move because of some unknown, enveloping presence. Once he'd gotten his head free again, he'd finally remembered where he was and what he was wrapped up in, and relaxed again.

By the time he'd gotten himself unwound-- and, before that, convinced himself that he should bother with freeing himself; when not panicking, it was actually quite comfortable-- the rest of the house was already bustling about outside his door. As he drifted outside and down the hall to the kitchen, dressed in a clean and comfortable robe and with one hand absently pulling at tangles in his hair, he heard the usual morning chatter from home, with the addition of Aedelian Landwerlen's light tenor. Dyva and Audaxo were absent, who knew where, but Sentio, Chario, Akija, and Aedelian sat around the living room and kitchen, with Vyly's head poking in the former, and Kenjista's in the latter.

Aedelian noticed him, first, and waved cheerily. "Good morning! We saved you some breakfast."

One look at the bulk of the breakfast available was enough to make Cacopheny wary of it, but he came the rest of the way in, anyway.

At least, until Chario's shadow asked, quite loudly enough that he was surprised no one else heard it, So how come you've never tucked me in?

Cacopheny stopped short, blinking at him muzzily. Tucked in? What was that supposed to mean?

Apparently it was a thought he'd sent to Akija, and just as apparently she knew what it meant, for she promptly snorted into her juice and set it down before breaking into a brief fit of giggles. Sentio looked utterly blank, as did the rest of the apartment, sans Aedelian, who just arched a brow and looked amused. "Want to share the joke?" he asked politely.

Chario shrugged with exaggerated-- and obviously feigned-- innocence, and Akija retaliated by tossing the crust of her toast at him. He brushed crumbs off of his face nonchalantly, as if such things happened every day-- actually, they sometimes did-- and apologized lightly, "Sorry, I think it's one of those 'you had to be there' kind of things."

"Is it, now," Aedelian chuckled, looking supremely unconvinced, but he didn't press further. Then again, knowing him, he probably already knew, having picked it stealthily from someone's mind. Chario's shadow, after all, was hardly being silent on the subject-- though it was vague with amusement.

Why do I get the feeling, Tiger grumbled muzzily, as Cacopheny tried to decipher what Chario was thinking-- still not moving any closer to the table and frowning at him-- that it has something to do with us?

What, was someone out last night and we didn't notice?

Chario, mouth full of breakfast again, caught the stare and grinned-- or it looked like it was supposed to be a grin, but his full mouth made it look strange-- then glanced at Akija again, who promptly put down her drink. As expected, his shadow spoke directly to her: Would it be too much if I commented on what a glorious day it is? Whatever Akija responded, around the cough that sounded like a choked-back laugh, it made him grin proudly, and answer, Just making you laugh!

Completely lost as what in the world they could be talking privately about, Cacopheny finished his approach to the table, still tossing the pair confused glances even as he sat carefully in the one vacant chair. Chario probably would have continued with the confusing jokes, but he twitched--

Haha, she kicked him!

--then his shadow chuckled back, All right, I'll behave.

As he shifted in his chair to focus on Aedelian, asking about money and changing and tourist-stores, Akija turned slightly towards Cacopheny with a lopsided smile, twirling her spoon in the remains of her breakfast. It didn't look very appetizing, soggy little bits of multicolored something swirling around in the inch or so of milk. Cacopheny just went for a slice of toast; he was too sleepy, still, to be particularly hungry.

"Sorry 'bout that," Akija said softly, just loud enough for him and, given the Light's glance her way, Sentio. "I met Glory last night."

"You-- vat? You did?"

Someone was up last night! Tiger growled. And she met Akija without me!

It was an accident. She just wanted to watch the holo, and Akija was already awake and heard it.

"Yup," she nodded. "I couldn't sleep at all last night, an' heard a noise come from down here 'round… oh, I dunno, middle of the night somewhere. So I came down an' found Glory watchin' one of those car-tune holo-vids. So we watched it together." She smiled, amused or fond or both. "She's sweet."


Cacopheny twitched at the force of that internal roar, and Glory, probably luckily, was nowhere to be heard. "Ssat is... different. Zhe toesn't come out much."

She won't come out ever again, when I'm through with her!

"But zhe tid say zhe vanted to vatch somessing...." He felt, actually, obscurely glad that she'd gotten the chance-- though he rather wished she would have told him. "I ssink I slept ssrough it... I ton't remember anyssing."

"Well, ya didn't miss much." Akija chuckled, looking down and playing with her breakfast spoon. "The holo-vid was pretty short-- or at least, it seemed like it was over in no time. We went back t'our sleeping bags when it was done, though I, ah…." She half coughed and half laughed yet again, looking up through her bangs, first over at Sentio, then back at Cacopheny. "I tucked her in 'fore I went back t'my own bag."

There was a brief silence before Sentio, apparently picturing that, choked on the piece of sausage he'd been trying to swallow. Tiger's anger turned ice cold, and Cacopheny shut his eyes a moment, making sure he was going to keep control, not the shadow. There didn't seem to be a problem, though, as Tiger seemed more interested in prowling the back corridors of his mind in pursuit of revenge on little Glory than destroying something or someone in person; a few of the others trailed their attention after him, including Tek, who seemed dead-set on protecting the child-shadow.

Since it was safe to, Cacopheny allowed himself a shake of his head and little smirk. That explained how he'd been so tightly wrapped up when he woke, anyway.... "Ssat... had to be interesting," he commented. "I hope zhe tidn't ask for a sssstory?"

Akija giggled, and shook her head. "Naw. She just-- she was just so much a little kid, an' made me think of being little, an' I couldn't just… leave her in the dark. She was so shy." She shrugged a little. "But it was nice meetin' her."

"I esspect zhe liked meeting you, too. But zhe is hiding, sssso I cannot ask." In that moment, realizing how strange that sounded-- or, in fact, how strange it must be all the time to live with someone like him-- he was grateful Akija took things in stride so well. "Sssank you," he said.

She shrugged again, though this time it was a more cheerful, "don't mention it" sort of gesture, accompanied by a smile. "You know me," she said, switching into her accented Demonic and startling him, albeit in a good way. She stretched her nearer wing out to briefly touch his shoulder, and he very nearly leaned over into it, resisting only in the last minute, making him twitch again. "The morrre I meet all of you, the betterrr I feel."

He smiled at her quietly, liking her more right then than he even had before. "I am... glad."

She beamed back at him. "Good."

How often will it be that you find someone who likes all of you?



Chapter Ninety



Avengaea is the Creative Property of Jkatkina

Background from Background Paradise