Cacopheny's Story

Cracked: Chapter Seventy-Nine


The last day of morning-classes, just before the break for midwinter holidays and bondings, was a relaxed affair. Even Professor Unter Mallocau, the great and evil history and geography professor, lowered himself to a day without a lecture. Lady-Professor Peirol Saranya from magical theory brought cupcakes to class for everyone, and Lady-Professor Veshal merely passed back the results of their test the day before and let them spend the rest of the morning socializing before lunch. After this day, classes would be tailored to each student-- in Sentio's case, more language, history, legend, and sociology tutoring with Professor Veshal, and in Chario's case a much more varied, "general" apprenticeship, since he had no idea what he wanted to do with himself. They would still be gone most of the day, but now, Cacopheny and Akija would no longer be required-- or, really, "encouraged"-- to attend. Since Cacopheny could read clearly, write legibly, and even work his way through enough simple mathematics to keep any accounts he might need in life, he was satisfied with that.

However, not everyone turned out to be so satisfied with that.

As the students filed out of the large classroom for the last time, Professor Veshal stood by the door to say farewell to each pair, shaking hands and bestowing rare smiles. As always, Cacopheny, Akija, Sentio, Chario, and Kenjista were the last out, on the heels of Onis and Aeta, who had rescheduled his genetics lessons now and then to accompany them a few times a week, even though he already knew everything being taught, just as Akija did. Professor Veshal paused at the group, eyes on Cacopheny, who stopped instinctively and ducked his head to her.

"May I have a moment of your time?" Veshal asked politely, though it didn't sound quite so much like a request, and a couple shadows made rude sounds at her, and Tiger snickered. Cacopheny just nodded meekly. "Lady Aloia would like to speak with you," Veshal continued, to his surprise.

"Uh, guess we'll see you in the kitchen?" Sentio said hesitently.

"I kess," Cacopheny replied, mystified as to what Aloia would want with him. He hadn't seen much of her, since she had come to investigate his disappearance from class over two years ago. She dropped by for tea every few months, but never stayed long, and sometimes he caught her peeking out of her office at him as he and Akija left after morning classes, but really, nothing as official-sounding as this. He hadn't done anything recently to warrant being in trouble, and school was over... maybe she just wanted to know what he planned to do now.

Won't that be an awkward conversation.

It probably would, given Cacopheny didn't know what he planned to do, now. He had no more direction or plan than Chario had, and he was older than Chario, and so had less excuse.

Akija elbowed him lightly, just enough to get his attention, and stage-whispered, "If ya need backup, I'm your daemon."

"Oh, no," Cacopheny blinked at her. "Ar-- Aroi-- Aloia issss kind. I vill be fine."

"Well, even so, you know where ta find me," Akija winked at him, and he guessed she was just being silly and smiled warmly at her, gave her perpetually messy hair a ruffle, then nodded to Veshal to lead the way before she could retaliate. He got three steps before she fairly tackled him from behind, got her hands in his hair to floof it vigorously, then darted off, leaving him to sigh, glare after her, and attempt to put it the tangled mess back into some kind of order. Veshal paused to wait, hint of a smile around her muzzle, then continued to lead him down the familiar hall in his friends' wake, towards not the kitchens, but Aloia's office.

"Go on in," Veshal said kindly, "she's expecting you."

Aloia was, indeed, expecting him, sitting by the fireplace in one of the two armchairs there. The room was full of strange echoes-- it had been a long time since he'd been in it-- but visually, it seemed the same as before. Perhaps it was just he who was different, and the shadows in the room knew it, so spoke to him of different things. Aloia's shadow was as gracious and motherly as ever, of course, but it was also giving him no hints as to why he'd been summoned.

"Cacopheny, come in, come in!" Aloia said brightly, smiling. "Have a seat, won't you?"

He sat himself gingerly, still a little nervous. "Hello, Aroia."

Dammit, why do I have so much trouble with her name? I've managed so many other Ls, just fine....

Because she's annoying, Araski suggested, and was ignored.

Aloia didn't seem to mind his mispronunciation, or even to notice it. "So you're finished with classes," she began. "Veshal has told me how well you've done: reading, even writing, in a language that must seem incomprehensible to you. I don't think I could have done the same, in your situation. You have my congratulations."

Congratulations? For just learning to read?

Hey, don't go all high and mighty on us, Genner.

None of us knows how to read!

Not even you.

Especially not dragon-language.


"Uh, ssank you..." Cacopheny answered appropriately, but still uncertainly.

"I love reading; I hope you can come to enjoy it, too. It's as much a thing done for fun as for learning."

"Yesss," Cacopheny agreed tentatively, "Sssentchio does it for fun."

"Aah, yes, of course he does! And how is he?"

Blood and teeth, I hate small talk....

Well, you can deal with it for a minute or two, while she gets to the point.

She'd better do it soon, or I might bite her.

After a few moments of uncomfortably exchanging words about inconsequentials-- during which Almadir did not bite Aloia-- the golden half-dragon finally did get around to the point, in her usual round-about fashion. "Did you enjoy school, Cacopheny?" she asked earnestly.

What does that have to do with anything?

Who knows?

"It vas... all rrright," he blinked. "I sss'pose. I tidn't learn anyssink ssee ossers learn't, rreally, but it vas all rrright."

"I was just wondering... you see, I have some more lessons for you, if you didn't mind the first set."

That wasn't expected. "Vat else is'ssere to rearn?" he asked, dropping another L in surprise.

"What you've been avoiding for two and a half years," Aloia said solemnly, "Magic."



Chapter Eighty

Read another version of these events here.



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