Cacopheny's Story

Cracked: Chapter Forty-Six


Cacopheny still wouldn't come out, even after Sentio got home from school with Kenjista in tow. For once, he was the one who wanted to get home quickly; usually Kenjista couldn't wait to leave and was tugging on his or Chario's fur trying to get them to skip their last hour or two or three, to hurry to whichever home she was headed for, in order to have the bond-for-the-day all to herself. Today, though, Sentio was anxious about his bond. The block was in place as always, as strong or stronger than ever, but something about it disturbed him now.

There's got to be something wrong, he thought worriedly to himself as he trotted briskly back for the manor, Kenjista clinging to his neck despite the added security of his wings folded over her chubby little body. He wasn't just pretending-- not all the time, anyway. I know he's been happy, for moments at a time, but it's been so long since then, and he won't talk about it.

What Chario got from Akija-- and had dutifully shared with Sentio, after much prodding-- had left him with the impression that Cacopheny was miserable, and descending even further into madness. He didn't know how he'd gotten that impression, especially from the little she'd actually said, or what little the reluctant Fire had said she'd said, but he had. He didn't want to keep chasing people away, Sentio knew it, but he had some reason that he was doing so, anyway. Chario was right: he'd only gotten worse since they'd come here for some space and a change of scenery; only worse, not better like they'd hoped. Sentio had hardly even seen him for more than a few moments at a time for the past two days, and the day before that, when he braved class again, he'd hardly been able to sit still, much less focus on his letters.

And he refused to talk about it! He refused to talk about much of anything, actually.

Before, I could always bully him into talking about whatever bothered him... not anymore. Does he just not trust me? Is that it? It must be it. Why else wouldn't he talk to me?

His steps slowed as he reached the double-doors to the manor. The entry spells recognized both him and the small key-charm he carried, and the combination sent them swinging open quietly to admit dragonet and passenger. They closed just as noiselessly behind him; the servants, not having much else to do but clean most of the time, since Sentio was hardly difficult to look after and no one ever went in Cacopheny's room, even kept the door hinges freshly oiled.

Maybe he doesn't think I trust him, he thought glumly. I wouldn't tell my problems to someone who didn't trust me, I bet.

And what was worse, it was probably true. He didn't trust his bond, and probably never did, not since he first heard those shadow-voices threatening him, tempting Cacopheny to do the same. How could anyone trust anyone who might suddenly go from affectionate and smiling to enraged and murderous?

::You can't,:: Kenjista interjected, sounding irritated, and he almost swallowed his tongue in anxious surprise; had she heard all that? Would she want to confront Cacopheny about the possibility of turning murderous? He'd thought he'd done a fairly good job keeping the more dangerous aspects of his other bond from her; had he just ruined it all with his unguarded musings? ::Oh, please. I'm bonded to you, stupid. Stop worrying about it already. And stop worrying about the other thing, too. If he wants to be stupid and ignore you, that's his loss. Besides, it doesn't matter if he's dangerous; I'll protect you.::

The sheer impossibility of it startled a laugh out of him. It was a weak laugh, but she beamed, radiating smug pleasure as if it were a cheerful guffaw and she had single-handedly lifted his spirits. As it was, he had the absurd mental image of her standing before the half-demon, bristled and bared, while he just kicked her easily out of the way. "I'm sure you will," he managed without choking, trying to act grateful rather than nervously amused. "That's-- that's very nice of you."

She saw through the act; he had to admit it was rather poor. He wasn't much better at acting than he was at lying. ::What! I will! You just watch, I will!::

"Of course you will," he soothed, swallowing the giggle that threatened at her indignant voice. "I'm sorry I doubted you." Pacified, she hmphed and, as they'd reached the third floor where his and Cacopheny's rooms were, she slid down onto the floor and shook herself vigorously. Kenjista didn't want her own room, though he'd tried to give her one; even when he'd made her up a cozy little room right next to his, he'd invariably find her perched on his own pillow, waiting for him, when bedtime came around. After the first night or two he gave up trying to get rid of her and let her cuddle up with him, like she wanted.

Kenjista obviously expected them to turn into Sentio's room, for she paused there before she realized Sentio had kept walking. After a moment of puzzlement she bounded after him, awkward with her kit-big feet which she wasn't yet starting to grow into. ::What are you doing?:: she demanded. She knew what he was doing; nothing else was at the end of this hall but Cacopheny's room. ::I thought you were going to forget about him!::

"I can't," he answered simply, then proceeded to ignore her sullen glare as he paced deliberately to the last, shadowed door. It seemed to have gotten darker in the hallway over the past few days, and the unnatural dimness tingled along his fur with demon magic. Cacopheny's darkness was spreading; he had the sudden thought that maybe, if left long enough, darkness would shroud the whole manor.

::Spooky,:: he heard faintly, but when he glanced at Kenjista, she glared at him again, feathers bristling as if to deny she'd said anything. Maybe she hadn't meant to.

"Cacopheny?" he called, touching the door, not rapping on it yet. "Cacopheny, I'm home. Are you-- are you feeling any better?"

There was, as he'd half expected, silence.

::Come on, let's just leave him alone,:: Kenjista urged, eying the door and presumably what lay beyond it suspiciously.

"Oh, yes, leave him alone to wallow in his own blood and darkness. How much better that would be."

Both of them jumped at the demon-speech that drifted through the door at them, and Kenjista tried to look as if she were pressed against Sentio's leg out of protectiveness rather than because she'd just jumped there, baring her tiny needle-teeth. Someone chuckled darkly; it didn't sound like Cacopheny-- but at the same time, it was him, Sentio knew it was. Or, it sort of was.

"Cacopheny?" he tried again, trying to keep his voice steady. One or two of the shadows were friendly, or at least not violent, unpredictable, or highly sexed, but it wasn't often those actually got out. The rest all made Sentio very, very nervous.

"Yeeeeees?" that same not-quite-Cacopheny voice purred, it seemed from right on the other side of the door.

"Are you-- all right?" He didn't know which one this was, and using the wrong name-- not that he knew them all, or even most of them-- could be the last thing he did.

"Shouldn't I be?"

"I-- um, guess not...."

Another chuckle. "Oh, we're fine. We're all fine. Why don't you run along and play, welp, and let us be, like the little black mop suggests?"

Sentio was inclined to do exactly that, but apparently the insults helped Kenjista get over her fear, for she let out a squeak of rage and leapt at the door. It swung open just before she hit it, and only a miraculous catch on Sentio's part kept her from leaping right into Cacopheny's outstretched claws. He yanked her back, holding tight onto her struggling little body with both forepaws, and scrambled up against the far wall, staring fearfully up at a pair of cool, narrowed black eyes. Kenjista stopped struggling when she got a good look at him, going limp and gaping at him, too.

For once, Cacopheny was not hunched over, but standing fully six and a half feet tall, completely naked and covered in blood, all but dripping with it. The smell was nearly enough to make Sentio sick, bitter and stale, as if it had been there for hours. He swallowed and tried not to breathe. The half-demon smiled down at them, but it wasn't a gentle, friendly, or even indifferent smile. "Did you want something?" he asked in that not-quite-Cacopheny voice.

"N-no, that's all right, we'll just-- we'll just be going now. Sorry to bother you!" He edging awkwardly on his hind legs along the wall as he babbled, still clutching Kenjista in case he thought he might finish that aborted grab for her.

Cacopheny's expression changed, scary smile vanishing, and he scowled at them. "Good." And he slammed the door.

Sentio and Kenjista got away from there as quickly as they could scramble.



Chapter Forty-Seven



Avengaea is the Creative Property of Jkatkina

Background from Background Paradise