"You're already the voice inside my head."
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Name: | Cacopheny |
Bond: | Sentio Canaric |
Bonded At: | Avengaea |
Species: | Half Avengaean Dark Demon, half human |
Age: | 26 at time of bonding; 28 at current story time (late adolescence) |
Sex: | Male |
Height: | 6'6" |
Hair: | Black, thin and long, usually tangled but shiny and straight when cleaned and combed |
Skin: | Yellowed pale |
Eyes: | Black |
Parents: | Khaniv Ravishek, Avengaean Dark Demon, father; Sable Jitradee, human, mother |
Housemates: | Sentio Canaric, Akija Watcher, Charionateran Ferricate, Kenjista Bonder |
Place of Birth: | Blood Hall, deep under the Tuisik mountains, near Een Wacht, Avengaea |
Residence: | A two-story house outside Sanctuary, in the Watcher Daemon clan district |
Position: | Currently, student of various subjects (particularly reading and writing) |
Description: | The first impression one makes of Cacopheny
is that he is tall, thin, and dark. Long, tangled black hair hangs
around his face to just over halfway down his narrow back; it is usually
oily, not groomed or even thought of, but can be actually rather
attractive when he can be bothered to clean and comb it, or someone else
can be bothered to comb it for him. Behind the curtain of hair are
hooded black eyes, sometimes dull and unfocused, sometimes feverishly
bright, under a somewhat heavy brow, seemingly out of place in his thin,
sallow face, especially over his narrow, hooked nose and thin lips. He
is very pale, having spent most of his young life underground, and hates
being in a place with too much light, keeping to shadows or dimly lit
rooms. As he doesn't eat much and never has, out of necessity more often
than choice, Cacopheny is incredibly thin, his prominent bones starkly
Though he looks almost totally human, Cacopheny's demon side manifests physically in small ways. He has very dark, very hard nails that, when allowed to grow, become more like claws than fingernails. Also, he has slightly elongated, unusually sharp canine teeth, making his smile, on the rare occasions he gives it, seem a little ominous. His wardrobe, what little he has so far in life, is entirely in dark colors: blacks, grays, and violets. Cacopheny's movements and manners are often changing. At times he moves with a fluid, almost feline grace, like a predator stalking. At others, his movements are short, jerky, and full of ticks and twitches. Most often, though, he shuffles along with his shoulders hunched and head down, long hair concealing his face, as if ashamed of his height and visage. His expressions run a wide gambit, as well, jumping to extremes when he is not forcibly exuding a mask-like impression of surliness. |
Personality: | Trying to define Cacopheny's personality is
like trying to catch the wind, for it is often changing. One moment he
might be relaxed and smiling, the next he might be furious and
screaming, and then he could be suddenly terrified and meek. His
difficult childhood has shattered his mind into various personalities,
paranoias, and obsessions, so that an overall description of his mind
could be summed up in one word: insane.
Cacopheny is not an extremely dangerous psychotic, for his core being is not violent, but there is always the possibility of a violent personality or episode coming to the fore. At heart, he is quiet and fairly gentle, or at least content to live and let live. He might have been very intelligent if his mind was not damaged as it has been, and he might have even been an accomplished mage. As it is, however, he is highly superstitious, stubborn, and tends to rely more strongly on instinct than logic, especially when it comes to magic. Even without the insanity, he is not very social and quite certain that no one likes him, for no one has ever liked him before. Though Cacopheny has something of a personality of his own, far more often it is supplanted by some other "mind" within his own, another character created to cope with stress. These extra personalities all have names, quirks, likes, dislikes, and even physical manifestations, usually in the form of expressions and mannerisms, but also once in a while in actual appearance. Cacopheny has a mild shape-shifting talent, like Dark demons have only longer-lived, but his is very painful, so it is mostly only used in emergencies or when he or one of his many personalities wants to punish him. Mostly, though, it is just voice, expression, and attitude that betrays a switch in "voices". |
Pre-bonding History: |
Almost forty years ago, a pair of greedy
Dark demons, Khaniv Ravisek and Rao Vajhala, living near Een Wacht had a
very clever idea one day after the Khaniv enjoyed a rare delicacy: a
half-human, half-demon baby, left in the wilderness to die for its
freakish appearance and alarming tendency to bite its mother. What kind
of revenue could they generate by catering to the demonic love of
half-demon flesh, they wondered? It seemed like the perfect scheme to
get them both rich, powerful, and admired, and for them both to enjoy
themselves in the process.
Cacopheny was one of the many ultimate results of Khaniv and Rao's business. He was born to one of several women the demons held prisoner for breeding purposes, and born a good fifteen years into the program itself, as it was just starting to get off the ground and showing promise. He was such a small thing as a baby, trapped in an almost completely human form, that he was not judged ready to butcher and sell yet. Besides, Rao said, it would be an interesting experiment to raise a half-demon until he was grown enough to sell for a decent price. Despite being Rao's "little pet", as Khaniv called him, Cacopheny's life was far from privileged. Once he was weaned from his human mother and strong enough to survive Rao's attentions, he was either coddled like the pet he was mockingly called, beaten and taunted like the prisoner he was, or locked in his tiny cell, alone and in the dark for hours, sometimes days on end. Once he was old enough, other abuses began, as well; Khaniv got to have his fun with the human women, Rao said, so she should be allowed her fun with her little pet. All in all, Cacopheny's life was miserable, so miserable that he retreated behind the safety of insanity and concocted other minds within his own to deal with it all for him. As he was never named, always called "the pet" by his captors, the noise in his own mind prompted him to start referring to himself as Cacopheny. As Cacopheny grew near to maturity and was not likely to grow anymore, Khaniv began jealously pestering his mate to relinquish her pet to be sold. By that time, their business was doing fairly well, for all they catered to only a few elite demon families, so the additional sale was hardly necessary, but Khaniv was tired of having the extra mouth to feed, as well as tired of the little half-breed taking up his mate's attention. There were many arguments on the subject, and many punishments for Cacopheny if he got in the way or found himself in Khaniv's clutches without Rao's dubious protection. It may have been luck, or it may have been providence from one of the gods, but before a decision could be made regarding Cacopheny's fate, his true mother, a slowly aging human named Sable, managed to escape from the demons' den. She poured her whole story out to the first creatures she came across once she found the sunlight again, who just happened to be a pair of adventuring dragons, Ketvia and Chiya. The pair invaded the lair to find most of the other women in various horrible states, a slew of infant demon half-breeds, and a pair of Dark demons who were very startled to be attacked in their own home. The dragons managed to bring down Khaniv, destroy the demon half-breeds out of hand, and liberate those of the women who could be freed, but Rao escaped, and they couldn't justify killing the strange, mostly-grown half-demon Cacopheny. Instead, they took the youth with them, trying to teach him how to live free and trying to cure his mind, both without much success. Their best hope, they thought, was to bring him to Sanctuary, where the best minds of dragon-kind could look at him, and maybe, Chiya suggested, get him some stability in the form of a dragon bond. |
Theme: | Multiple themes |
Avengaea is the Creative Property of Jkatkina
Quote borrowed from Blink 182 - I Miss You