Zale's Story: The Battle

Chapter Seven

Written in Collaboration with Silver Midnight


The day Wiro was scheduled to rise was swiftly approaching, too swiftly for Wiro herself, though Zale seemed horribly laid back about it all. Wiro wanted to postpone it indefinitely, but she knew her body wouldn't let her; they'd both known that such things were scheduled, but Wiro hadn't imagined that waiting would be so... uncomfortable. So while on one hand she hated the idea of her upcoming virgin flight, on the other she wanted it to be tomorrow, that evening, right that minute, if just to get it over with.

While Zale was at work and wasn't around to keep her happily distracted, Wiro wandered the station. She thought that maybe she should get a job, after the whole flight-clutching-hatching... thing, if just to stave off boredom while her own bond worked, but that didn't help her now. Today, she found herself on the flight deck itself, though not taking a flight. No, she just sprawled lightly on the walkway that surrounded the deck, staring out through the transparent, triple-thick windows that opened to space itself-- or, more likely, were just computer screens programmed to look like the star-strewn emptiness outside. She liked to think they were windows, though.

It had been a rather dull afternoon, actually; the deck was nearly empty, and the hall surrounding it almost entirely so. Wiro could hear dragonic footsteps a few hatches down, echoing in the empty corridor, but didn't bother moving when they stopped, accompanied by the rustle of wings that signaled a dragon about to take off. If she wasn't going to be in the way, she wasn't going to bother moving; with the curve of the deck, whoever it was might not even have been in view yet. The newcomer took off, and she turned her attention back to the stars, forgetting about him.

That is, until he came careening through the hatch behind her and crash landed into her rump. With an indignant squeal she scrambled out of the way, wings mantled and teeth bared, ready to teach whoever this was a lesson in manners. As it was, though, she didn't quite have the heart. The poor fellow, copper with brightly rainbow-colored wings, was very obviously a newcomer-- she knew most of the dragons who lived on the station by sight, though she didn't know everyone's name, and she'd never have missed so bright a one-- and looked nothing but lost and chagrined. Her growl faded into a sigh, and she asked, :Are you all right?:

She tried not to giggle as he hid his face in his forepaws, obviously embarrassed. :Yes, quite,: he answered, sounding flustered and a little shy, as he rolled back onto his paws, folding those vibrantly colored wings and laying his ears back anxiously. :Sorry for-- that, I'm not sure of this place yet... I--: He flicked an ear, smiling at her somewhat sheepishly. :I didn't mean to crash into you, miss. You're not hurt, are you?:

:I can't imagine anyone would mean to crash into anybody. No, I'm not hurt,: Wiro answered as kindly as she could. She'd grown up on the station, and was used to the way everything curved ever so slightly. Off-world dragons, though, could get very easily confused. :It's Wiro. Not miss. That makes me feel silly, being called "miss".:

:Doesn't hurt to be polite and use a title when meeting someone-- especially someone you just crashed into,: the copper dragon said with a good-natured chuckle, getting over his embarrassment well enough. Good; she didn't think she could handle him being submissive like that for very long. She chuckled with him, agreeing with a nod, and he continued: :A pleasure, Wiro. I'm called Silent Melody.:

Silent Melody? What an... odd name. He seemed to suddenly think so, too, for he added pensively, :Has anyone ever told you your name was silly?:

Even though he obviously was thinking about his own, she shrugged her wings, settling down on her haunches against the chill, metal-and-"window" wall, and answered, :There was a dragon or two in school who thought it was strange, but I don't think I've ever been called silly.:

The new dragon-- Silent Melody! it would be hard fixing that name to this dragon-- his ear twitched again, and he looked around in what Wiro could only imagine was confusion before looking back at her and asking, :Uh, I beg your pardon... school?:

:I suppose other places don't call it the same thing,: she conceded. :Training classes, like how to fly and what your bond is supposed to take care of and all that. But,: she added with a little pride-- pardonable, she thought-- in her birthplace and home, :Star City does teach more than just fancy flying.:

:I think all places teach a little more than fancy flying,: he replied with a chuckle. Wiro wrinkled her nose at him-- of course, she knew that; that's not what she meant!-- but before she could protest, he continued, :I haven't really made any friends yet, my companions are busy doing... other things.:

Other things? she wondered, almost afraid to ask, but he answered the unasked, anyway, in a maddeningly vague manner and hurrying on to another topic before she could comment. :Doing things with damnable things. --I don't suppose you could tell me a bit about the station, like, for instance, what else classes teach?:

It was just the fact that he was male and she was close to rising that was making her huffy. She told herself that firmly, took a dose of calm from Zale in his distant workplace, several decks up, and smiled for Silent Melody. :Well, like reading, and history, and algebra--: she was particularly pleased with that one, because she'd actually passed it; math was not her strong point-- :and some job-related things, like typing skills-- did you know they have computers here that are dragon-sized?:

Ah, now that impressed him. Wiro grinned as he exclaimed, :Dragon-sized computers? I don't think I've ever seen anything like that before. I've seen computers before, but not any that big!:

:Well, we've got a lot of dragon-sized stuff around here,: Wiro explained, pleased. :Not, like, much furniture or anything, not like what humans and stuff have, but anything related to working. Most every dragon around here has some kind of job... I don't, yet, but I'll get one-- eventually.: "Eventually." The minute she mentioned she was going to rise soon, he'd go all flirty and obnoxious.

:Pardon me, but is it hard getting a job? You said "eventually", like you were having trouble getting one, or something.:

Wiro wondered, then, if dragons really could blush, or if it just felt like she did; her face and neck certainly felt hot. :I haven't tried yet. Zale-- he's my bond-- he doesn't seem to have much trouble....:

:Bond?: Silent Melody repeated, and from the somewhat sad expression on his face, Wiro almost wished she hadn't said anything. Was he one of those unbonded types, then? That was always so sad! She couldn't imagine getting along without Zale.

Silent Melody seemed to rally, though, and asked the question she'd rather hoped he wouldn't: :So if he doesn't have any trouble, why don't you have a job?:

:Because-- I-- oh, fish sticks,: she grumbled, and just spat it out, :Because I'm supposed to have my first flight in a few days, and it'd be pointless to get a job just to quit to lay eggs.: There, you happy? she thought sourly. Judging from his expression, though, he wasn't: his ears went back again, and he was fairly radiating embarrassment. That was a little better than an instant attempt to turn on the charm, like she'd gotten more than once.

:Sorry I asked,: he said, and she snorted lightly, a little mollified. :I don't mean to intrude. It's not really anything to be ashamed of, you know, being a mother. Lots of dragons do it, and I'm sure you'll do wonderful.:

:Oh, it's not that,: she said with an explosive sigh, flopping back down onto her stomach. She was well aware she was swinging from mood to mood like-- well, like a broody dragoness! But at the same time, she didn't really care. :Well, not entirely. I just-- I don't know. I'm afraid, I guess,: she admitted.

:Oh, then I suppose it's the act itself and all the flirtatious males, then?: Torn between at least the sensation of blushing, and exclaiming how right he was, she just nodded. :I suppose I can understand that, especially with how a lot of females feel around that time. I think you'll feel better, though, once the actual flight starts and you stop dreading it.:

:I hope so,: she sighed. :Or-- I don't hope so. I mean-- oh, it's just so confusing! I hate being female. Or maybe it's just being a dragon female that's so annoying; humans don't do this, I don't think. --But yes. I'm very tired of all the boys. It's horrible. You're being uncommonly nice about it.:

:Actually, I think humans do, do things like that,: he said, hedging the comment with, :Not that I know much about them.: She just snorted lightly again, folding her forelimbs cat-like beneath her. When he continued, a little awkwardly, she looked at him side-long. :I-- well.... When I came to the Ring of Fire, I was just a little thing, the females there were really nice. Not to say the adult males weren't, too, especially my father,: he added quickly, as if loathe to say anything bad about anybody. Well, at least he was nice... he actually reminded her of Linelith, another friend of hers. :He tried to teach me things,: Silent Melody explained. :I would never harass any of the others there about such a thing, though, so why should I do that to any other? My father didn't teach me like that, either, he taught me to be respectful.:

His father... Wiro wondered briefly what it would have been liked if she'd known her father, or her mother for that matter, for more than the few moments after hatching. :Maybe more dragons should spend time with their parents, then,: she suggested. :If it teaches them how to be respectful. I hardly even remember mine.:

Silent Melody's snicker was harsher than she would have thought. :Most dragons' bonds should teach them such things, though often times dragons that are so obsessed with being perverted bond someone like-minded.: Her breath caught into something that was almost a giggle; well, yes, she'd seen that happen. :Though I suppose you can't be too hard on all of them, some flirt just because they don't know how to act, I suppose.:

:Do you really think so?: Wiro mused. She hadn't thought of that before. She supposed it made sense... it was annoying, but it made sense.

:You know, if you don't like the participants of the flight, I've seen females refuse to fly before,: he suggested. :Could lock yourself in your room, I suppose. Though that might be a pity,: he frowned faintly, flicking his ears, :I think you'll look back on how you felt before the flight and laugh, but if you don't fly you'll dread it forever.:

Wiro curled her tail around her, shaking her head a little. :Oh, it's not that bad, really... I think I'll just keep feeling itchy and moody until I get it over with. I just can't imagine I'll enjoy it much, especially since I don't think Zale's at all interested. It just seems so bad, if I'm supposed to be having someone, and he's all alone, but he says he doesn't care.:

The copper dragon watched her a moment, both tail-tips twitching-- she hadn't noticed those before, and for a moment before he spoke, she found them fascinating; how many dragons had two tail-tips? :So you're worried about him? He might not care, Wiro, because he's not interested in mating. Maybe, by the way he thinks, he always has someone, just not in the way you'd like him to. He has you, after all, and maybe that's good enough for him as long as you're happy?:

Now he was starting to irritate her again. She wasn't stupid; she had thought of that-- Zale had just about told her the same thing, and more than once, in fact-- and she didn't appreciate being lectured. When he asked, :If you're worried about it, though, why don't you try to find someone for him?: she grumbled back, :Because he's not interested. I suggested that to him, and he said no.: She didn't know why his being alone bothered her, honestly, and having to try and explain only made her feel more edgy about it. :I don't want to talk about it,: she finally said, looking away and out the window, and quickly changed the subject, :So what about you? What are you doing here, on the station? Just looking around?:

She focused gratefully on Silent Melody's story, letting him talk about himself rather than about her; she liked that better. :The Ring of Fire-- that's where I come from, a kinda... strange dragonry-- wanted to establish some relationships with Star City. Myself and a few others,: he paused to wince, obviously not happy about those "others"; the ones doing things with "damnable things"? :-- we're supposed to be kind of setting up arrangements, and being examples of what to expect out of the Ring of Fire.: His tone there was bitter, a mutter, and he added, sounding annoyed, :Though Hemlock's doing a bad job of it, Aldyss is being goofy and playing with the Xenodragons, Qualrien's busy oogling any female that crosses his path, and Reshi's getting stressed trying to keep the rest of them in line. Me, though, I don't know... I came here, I guess, to experience something different; and to get out from under the wings of Meraevayt, self-proclaimed "queen of the bondless".: She couldn't help but giggle, albeit weakly, at his long-suffering sigh as he settled down on his belly, folding his paws together like a human and-- what was he doing? Twiddling his thumbs? :I was hoping maybe to find a bond, too,: he added wistfully.

:That's a good goal,: she answered, still blinking at his twiddling thumbs, wondering if she could do that. :I don't know what I'd do without Zale, some days... and there's certainly plenty of clutches you could stand at, here.: Looking back up at him, she felt a little embarrassed at her own moodiness. He was just trying to be helpful.

:I've thought about it,: he admitted, and she could imagine him doing just that-- right down to the thumb-twiddling! :A few of these clutches, though, the parenting has put me off. Mayonaka and company's clutch is... far too violent, Usaroflyin's clutch seems to have a substantial amount of candidates already. Then there is Narafth... she does not seem "evil", but a bit dark, I wouldn't know what to expect. There is Melapha's clutch, though it might be selfish I'd like someone close to my eyes,: and there he smiled, laughing at himself a little, but it wasn't something Wiro would hold against him; there had been many times when she wished Zale were a bit bigger, or she a bit smaller. :I don't really know what I want in a bond, I suppose,: he concluded, :Though I wouldn't mind staying here for a while, perhaps getting a job and watching the records fill with hatchings before I make a decision.:

:You could always come to mine,: she suggested shyly. :I'm pretty big, and I expect any of my-- my children would be, too. And there's no way I'll let anyone evil father them.: The very thought made her wings twitch, and she folded them more tightly.

He smiled, at that, and she smiled, back. :I suppose that would not be a bad idea,: he agreed softly. :You are on eye-level with me, good-natured, and beautiful as well. It wouldn't be a bad decision, though I'm still not rightfully certain.: She ducked her head at the compliment, certain it wasn't true-- not right then, anyway! She was hardly being good-natured!

:Well, you'll have time,: she pointed out. :It's not as if I've even-- even conceived them, yet. That's not even for another two days. And it's not full yet,: she added, somewhere between anxious and indignant. :Two days to go, and there's still a spot empty. Do you think that's normal?:

:It seems rather common as of late, for at least single flights; the turnout for frenzies is always rather large, though, it seems,: Silent Melody said, sounding as bit disgusted. Wiro didn't know, really; she'd never even heard of any frenzies around here, much less seen any. :I guess the males just want to be certain they catch someone-- or in some cases, something.:

:Ugh,: was all she could think of in response to that. She'd think it would be degrading for the boys and the girls, a frenzy like that... definitely not for her!

:Wiro,: Silent Melody began slowly, :if you want me to, I suppose I could sign up.:

It took her a moment for his suggestion to sink in, and another moment for her to get past her instinctive negative reaction towards any male, but once she did that, she thought maybe.... Actually, it might be kind of a relief. Ducking her head to her paws and scratching at the tip of her nose, she said, a little embarrassedly, :That'd be okay... if you want to.:

:I wouldn't mind,: he answered. "Wouldn't mind"? That didn't sound very encouraging-- but then, he'd just said that sometimes dragons flirted because they didn't know what else to do. Maybe he was the opposite. Or something. :It would be my first flight, though. I don't mind just being a... space-filler, though. So don't feel like you have to... to... choose me, or anything,: he finished quickly, not looking at her. Yes, maybe it was that he just didn't know what else to do... it was certainly sweeter than all the young bucks who tried to bully or charm their way into her attention and affection.

Then he laughed shortly. :I suppose I should learn to fly here in the next few days, though, shouldn't I?:

Wiro had to giggle at that. :That might be a good idea... it's not so bad, once you get the curves into your head.:

Melody stood and stretched, cat-like, slightly unfurling his vibrant wings. He looked out the still-open hatch he'd crashed through previously and onto the flight deck. :I suppose it can't be too hard, but I'm still not used to the gravity here. Planet-sider,: he added by way of explanation.

:I know, a lot of dragons have that problem,: she agreed. :I grew up here, so I know it very well. Better than my chasers, I think,: she said with a grin. :I'm not really the best flier, but at least I know what it's like to fly here.:

:Hopefully you'll be able to fly well enough not to get caught easily.: She was amazed: he was actually teasing her! She giggled. :Back home I can fly pretty well, though acrobatics aren't my strong suit. I guess in a few days I'll be able to not make a total fool of myself in a chase.:

:You'll be fine,: she promised. :Probably better than some of my chasers... there's one who's so covered in metal that I don't know if he can even fly!:

If that unnerved Wiro, it actually made Silent Melody shiver. Then, though, he turned to the silver female, giving her an elegant little bow, which she returned with a light fanning of her wings and a smile. :If you'll excuse me, I think I'll start practicing!:

Laughing, she nodded. :All right. Um, have fun?:

:I'll try-- hopefully I won't crash into anyone else,: he quipped with a chuckle, put his paws up on the hatch, then smiled back to her over his shoulder. :I suppose I'll see you again, at the flight if not before. Best of luck with the nerves!: And like that, he was gone.


Chapter Eight




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