I'm yours.


See Wiro's Hatchling Image


Wiro clutched at at Star City Dragonry!

Read the flight here!


Name: Wiro
Bond: Zale Runnoe
Bonded At: Star City Dragonry
Species: Calyeni
Age: Hatchling
Sex: Female
Height: 30'6"
Color: Zappy silver
Eyes: Hazel
Cyborware: Spikes, minor installment; ears, moderate installment
Parents: Calyeni bronze Jirairtai and Calyeni lightning-marked Shyam
Residence: Star City
Position: ?
Description: Delicate and small for her breed, Wiro has very little in the way of distinguishing body-forms: she has no ears, no horns, no spines or fins, and only a simple club on her tail. Even so, she manages to be beautiful and memorable all the same. She is a soft, metallic silver in color, a gentle shade, yet reflective in direct light, with claws of a pleasant pale gold. From neck to tail, running perpendicular to her spine all the way down along her legs, she is marked with lightning so brightly white that it seems to glow. Her eyes are a cool, light brown with flecks of green: hazel. 

Once she stopped growing, Wiro decided to change her plain-ness in the only way she and her bond could, at the time, afford: turning in the Cyborware token they were given at her hatching for some form of self-decoration. Only allowed a minor alteration, she went with a trio of polished steel horns, gently curving backwards, the largest affixed to her forehead, the smallest the base of her skull, and one of middling height in between. Later she and he scraped together enough credit for the installment she really wanted: ears, small and pert and quite mobile for such little things! 

Personality: Wiro is a very sensitive, empathic dragoness, responsive to small shifts in emotion and very tuned to broadcasted-- or even simply unprotected-- thoughts. Thus. she doesn't require conversation verbally, though she does love to listen to the sound of a voice, whenever Zale has the inclination to try to string words together. At times she can be fiercely independent and proud, while at others she needs her bond's encouragement just to get up at the start of the day. No matter how independent she gets, though, her first thoughts are usually for Zale, and she is very devoted to him. 
Abilities: Flight, telepathy (strong), empathy (strong), assisted fire breath, verbal speech (latent)


Location Mate Offspring
Star City Silent Melody

Adagio, Ambience, Ardent Ensemble, Euphony, Florid Chorus, Joyous Carol, Minor Ballad, Rhapsody, Shameless Falsetto, Sibilant Melody, Subdued Metonymy 


Read Zale's Story

Read the Hatching Story



Webpage Design by Terry

Background from Background Paradise