Proquess' Story: Chapter Eleven

What to Do About Dark's Children


::Shishayair, would it be all right if I signed up at the Abstract Destiny?.::

Mu-Lin stared back at her, then shook one of her heads.

Proquess sighed. ::More forceful?::

A nod. Proquess steeled herself, and tried again. ::Shishayair, I want to sign up at the Abstract Destiny.::

The pause was longer, then Mu-Lin shook her head again.

::This is hard, Mu-Lin!:: Proquess huffed, shifting nervously from foot to foot. ::I've never told him I want to do something before... what if he says no?::

Mu-Lin fluffed up her fur, opening a wing to pat her foreclaws with sympathetically, then shook her head again. ::You don't think he will?:: Proquess hazarded, earning herself a couple-headed nod from her smaller bond. ::I hope not....::

For some reason, Proquess was having a hard time not thinking about the biosynth at the Abstract Destiny, the one where Dark was the main donor. She liked Dark. She didn't know why, but she did. And worse, the thought of adopting one of Dark's children was inexplicably exciting, and she couldn't stop wondering about it. The obvious solution was to sign up for it, as a sponsor-- she already had two bonds, what in the world would she need with a third? But sponsorship was good enough for her, and good enough for the hive-building, friend-collecting urge that was welling in her at the thought of Dark's children.

But that required that Shishayair at least know about her intention, and preferably give his permission, especially since they were back at Cy and needed to be at Star City, and Proquess couldn't teleport. Proquess had asked him things before, but she had never asked him for things before. There was a broad, gaping difference between the two, and she was afraid to cross it. Shishayair had never reprimanded her before, not really; he'd never even been angry with her. Impatient, perhaps, but not angry or disappointed. She didn't want to experience that, ever.

But she wanted to sign up for Dark's synth.

But that meant she had to ask Shishayair and brave his displeasure.

Proquess took a deep breath, sighed it out again, and squared herself for another practice trial. ::All right, how's this?:: she asked Mu-Lin, ::Shishayair, I'm signing up for Dark's synth at the Abstract Desinty.::

::You are? I hadn't heard about this.::

Proquess let out a very undignified screech and whirled in surprise. There was Shishayair, all right, standing in the doorway and radiating amused confusion. ::Shishayair, you-- I thought you weren't-- when did you get home?::

::What, was I not supposed to hear that? It was addressed to me.::

::I was practicing,:: Proquess said weakly.

::Practicing,:: he repeated with polite incredulity.

::Yes,:: she said, swallowing nervously.

There was a long pause while he regarded her-- with all eight eyes; even eyeless herself, Proquess could feel the weight of his gaze-- and said nothing. She shifted from foot to foot, wishing he would break the silence, or move, or even bite her. She could take the punishment for daring to want something and asking for it, if it came, she just wanted it to come.

Finally, it got to be too much, and she asked with her thoughts very small and meek, ::May I sign up, then?::

The answer was simple and nonchalant: ::I am not stopping you, if that is what you wish to do.::

Proquess very nearly went limp with relief; she might have done so, if not for the fact that she would have squished Mu-Lin if she did. ::Thank you!:: she exclaimed.

Shishayair chuckled softly, leaning over to brush her crown with his main muzzle. ::You have every right to make decisions like this yourself, Proquess. You do not need my permission.::

::But what if you had other plans? What if you couldn't take me back there, to Star City? What if you didn't want any more children for Carskadei to look after? What if--::

He cut her off with a snap of teeth against the back of her neck, though his voice was gentle. ::Hush. You are babbling.::

::I'm sorry, Shishayair.::

::Of course I will take you,:: he told her. ::And next time you wish to do something, you are to tell me.::

::Yes, Shishayair.::

::And not act as if I am going to punish you for your audacity.::

::No, Shishayair::

He eyed her a moment, then brushed her forehead with a paw-- she leaned into the touch happily-- before turning and leaving. Proquess was too relieved to care what conditions he put on her; he hadn't been angry with her! Impatient, as usual, but not angry or unhappy in the least.

And she was going to sponsor one of Dark's children!

::We will leave in a week's time for Star City,:: Shishayair said as he padded away. ::That should give you plenty of time to sign up before it hatches.::

::Thank you, Shishayair.::

It wasn't until much later that she wondered just how he knew when the synth would be hatching, and voiced that wonder to her smaller bond.

Mu-Lin had the grace to be embarrassed.




Abstract Destiny - The Hatching

Chapter Twelve



Background from Background Paradise