Proquess' Story: Chapter Eight

Hatchlings Abound


Proquess had never thought she would be disappointed by not winding up with a little follower, like everyone else at that hatching. It was hardly a surprise: she was a xenodragon, drone and lowly or not, and not exactly approachable to the bulk of the hatchlings. But for some reason, she felt... sad, as the hatching drew to a close.

It was, she thought, trying to figure herself out, probably because her own children ignored her. Funny, she'd never, ever planned to have children, with anyone. She was just too low-ranked. But somehow, she didn't know how but she accepted it as true because the evidence was right before her, Dark had created children from her and Dread Corollary. Everyone else, at least, had been as surprised as she had.

But not one of them had even acknowledged their other mother, if they even knew. She shouldn't have been surprised or unhappy, really: even her children were all of higher rank than she was. It was the way things should have been. She sat quietly beside Shishayair while little Ominous Corollary abased herself to him-- proud, in an obscure way, that he was getting such obvious respect-- and Uecoss sulked, sitting behind the both of them, because she couldn't be making trouble or meeting the other hatchlings.

Then Alladross had strolled right up, raising her hopes for an instant so that she stood up, ready to receive one of her children with a happiness that she really couldn't justify but felt, anyway. And he'd walked right past her-- and right past Shishayair, which was even more of a shock, because he was much more impressive-- without so much as glancing at her with one of those snake-heads on his shoulders. He'd gone, instead, right up to Uecoss and bonded with her. Proquess would have stared, if she'd had eyes.

Things just went downhill from there. By the time they'd made it back to the rooms they were renting-- or stealing; Proquess wasn't sure anyone knew they were using them-- it was obvious that Ominous was only polite to the so-called leader of the hive because Shishayair told her to be, and Alladross had no respect at all for his mother. Adding to the "hive" had only continued the trend Uecoss had started, the beginnings of rebuilding what Proquess herself remembered as a family. If she was properly at the bottom of the hierarchy, everything would have been fine. She might even have been happy, if she'd been in her proper place, with adding more minds to the hive. 

However, it was not what Shishayair seemed to have had in mind, himself, and he continued to insist that the others should defer to her. Though he seemed content enough with Ominous's superficial deference, Alladross's blatant insubordination-- which so far had consisted of him and Uecoss constantly snickering, exchange private thoughts that were probably of a less than savory nature, and basically ignore both adults-- seemed to frustrate him. For some reason, the little xeno-cat's snide comments were pricking at his normally cool nature and bringing out true annoyance.

Which was why it wasn't surprising when he vanished occasionally, even in the few days they'd spent on Star City, and then again once they returned to Cy after the hatching. Proquess didn't really like being left alone with the trio of unruly and disrespectful hatchlings, but if it was the duty her bond saw fit to leave her with, she did her best. She used to watch children for her former hive, as well. None of the residents of Cy-- those who actually saw the growing "hive", anyway-- seemed particularly enthused by the newcomers, either, but the three little ones didn't often leave the spacious rooms, and never alone, so they didn't get run off. Not yet, anyway, though Shishayair commented thoughtfully once that they should probably look for somewhere new to stay, after his own offspring's hatching, which they were to return for after a few days at home.

Proquess wasn't entirely sure why they'd even bothered stopping off at the resin-coated rooms she and he had appropriated for themselves, except possibly to make sure the newest pair actually knew where home was. At the Citadel of Shadows, at least there would be something other than picking on her to keep the hatchlings entertained.

Her unasked question was answered, as they always ended up being, not long after they'd gotten settled in again. On their third morning home, she woke very early, well before sunrise, to find Shishayair already awake and looking at something nestled between his forepaws. Since she knew he hadn't moved since settling in for the night, she had no idea where it had come from. It was round, and smooth, and pulsing faintly from within, a heartbeat. There was a creature inside.

::Where did that come from??:: she demanded, still foggy with sleep, but on her feet anyway and disturbing Ominous, Uecoss, and Alladross with her movement.

"Hey, stop that, it's too early...."

::Don't touch me, I was asleep!::

"Sir, is something wrong?"

::Go back to sleep,:: Shishayair said, including all of them in the curt command. Ominous promptly closed her eyes again, obedient to the last, though her ears stayed perked. Uecoss and Alladross didn't even bother pretending to obey, and Proquess was too nervous now to sleep. She knew what that thing her bond held was. Thankfully, he didn't seem to mind that she wasn't settling down. ::It isn't about to hatch right away, after all. We've a good half a day.::

::Who gave you an egg this time?:: Proquess wanted to know, just barely restraining herself from wailing. Disinterested as the conversation turned private, and the contents of Shishayair's paws explained, Uecoss and Alladross turned their faces away and pillowed them on each other's haunches again. Ominous pouted at being left out, but as she never questioned Shishayair, merely continued pretending to be asleep. The pouting ruined the charade.

::Who else? Dark is the usual one to give us things, is she not?::

Proquess liked the lady Dark well enough, but after the last two little monsters that had come from her last experimental gifts, she wasn't sure she wanted to have anything to do with her! ::How did it get here overnight? Can we take it back?::

::It arrived when it was ready,:: Shishayair said calmly, ::and no, we cannot take it back. Dark put a lot of work into this. She said to tell you that she hopes 'third time is the charm'.::

What did that mean? ::You're sure we can't take it back?::

::Positive. I don't know where Dark lives, anyway. Go back to sleep, Proquess; everything will be fine.::

Proquess didn't believe him, but other than smash the egg-- which Shishayair would probably protest to, and which might not work, anyway, if the thing inside was old enough already-- there didn't seem to be anything else she could do about adding yet another little monster to the so-called hive Shishayair was building around her. So this time she did as she was told, curling up against his furry side and cradling her head in her forepaws unhappily. He settled his feathered wing over her, and finally the simple stillness and the reassuring sound of her bond's breathing and heartbeat lulled her back into an uneasy slumber, and dreams of even more fantastic and cruel hatchlings sinking their fangs into her few tender places, while Shishayair just watched and said, over and over again, Learn your lessons, Proquess. Just learn your lessons.




Chapter Nine



Background from Background Paradise