??? XD !!!


See Jingoa's hatchling image


Name: Jingoa
Bond: Rumi Beotoli
Co-bond: Brullera
Bonded At: Star City Dragonry
Species: XenoHathian: half Hathian, half xenodragon; burster variety
Rank: Drone (medium)
Age: Hatchling
Sex: Male
Height: 5'10 (was 1'4" at hatching)
Color: White-tan
Mother: Jiora
Residence: Star City
Position: City policedragon
Description: Before his growth into a full-fledged, adult xenodragon, Jingoa looks as all xenodragon bursters do: small, long, and snake-like, with a pair of arms and a domed head. Unlike most burstlings, though, Jingoa is brightly white, with highlights of gold and a belly of tan; were he born to more normal, pure-blooded xenodragons, he would have been killed or outcaste on hatching. As it is, he has a protector in Rumi, and he rarely leaves her side-- except maybe to cause trouble!  
Personality: Though he does not send in anything other than images and emotions-- in a most uncomfortable fashion as well, with the sense of freezing ice and the sound of nails on a chalkboard-- Jingoa is still a clever little drone, and, like most of his type and rank, extremely devoted: where Brullera is cool, Jingoa's affection is warm and even a bit overwhelming, at times. He dislikes getting too much attention from anyone but his bond and co-bond, preferring to be overlooked and remain behind the scenes. Even so, he has a quirky sense of humor, enjoying surprising people and causing chaos, though usually not actual destruction and almost never injury. 
Abilities: Teleportation, empathy


Read the Hatching Story

Read Rumi's Story



Webpage Design by Terry

Background borrowed with permission from Star City