Make way, coming through! --There we are, dear, feeling all right?



Name: Hivoneth
Bond: Nytyx Torywiw
From: Chaos of Color Clutches, drawn by Myrror at the Edge of Shadows
Species: Half Hathian, half Old World dragon
Age: Adult
Sex: Female
Height: 17'1", 51'8" long
Color: Fiery-brown and army-green, blue eyes
Father: Sialioth
Mother: Seramied
Residence: Star City
Position: Emergency officer (fire-fighter, electrical failure assistance, rescue, and first aid)
Personality: Though she is hardly the prettiest dragon on the station, Hivoneth has more than enough to keep her busy without having boys trailing after her all the time. Looking at her many abilities, it really isn't at all surprising that she's gone into the profession she has, though it's more of a surprise that she's bonded someone like Nytyx. Hivoneth is both kind and caring, and purposeful and determined, and turns both of those suites of personality traits towards helping people in the best way she can. Though she lives on Star City, most of her work takes place elsewhere, usually Atu. When she's working, she can be extremely assertive, barking orders and bullying her way to where she needs to be or to get what she needs, but outside work, she's an extremely pleasant personality, friendly and genial, with a wide number of friends. 
Abilities: Teleportation, telepathy, ice magic, alter physical form: electricity, flame breath, regeneration, shape fire




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