"What's this? What's that? Where are you going? Can I come, too?"



Name: Malk
Bond: Othue
Bonded From: Abstract Destiny
Species: Sa'enkeyn
From: Kenist Miana, on Kartyn
Age: Young adult
Sex: Male
Height: 2'10" at the shoulder, 6' long
Color: Watery
Markings: Points and back-patch
Eyes: Black
Residence: Star City Station
Position: Student, in rehabilitation
Personality: Malk spends most of his time on the go, always looking for new places to explore and new situations to put himself into: he wants to experience everything. Rather restricted by his human family, he is very happy now to be out and about and can sometimes get carried away with himself when particularly excited, up to the point where he's literally shaking and stuttering with excess energy. He's ready and willing to learn, and curious about everything, though his attention span needs a little work: though he can focus intensely when he has to, there are so many things he wants to learn that he tends to jump around from subject to subject. 
History: The family Malk grew up with was a kind enough family, but since he was treated like the family pet-- albeit the intelligent family pet, but pet nonetheless-- he didn't get out much. All he knew was the house, which, though very large as the family was quite rich, wasn't really enough to satisfy his curiosity and interests, and it certainly wasn't enough people to keep him happy. Being rescued by the enkeyn and taken to Kenist Miana was one of the happiest days of his life. 

Being adopted by Lyric and consequently taken to one of the busiest, most crowded, and most interesting places in the Nexus was another of his happiest days. He's currently a student of everything he can get his paws on, and looks up to his teacher Lyric almost as a father-figure. He certainly loves the whorling, and is very attached to the whorling's pet Little Bell, too. 

Abilities: Verbal speech 



Malk's Story

Chapter One



Webpage Design by Terry