"Life is much more fun when you can live it any way you like."


Name: Luceum
Bond: Hoanda
From: Star City's 2007 Bday Bash
Species: Transcendental Being
Age: About four hundred, relatively young as his type go
Sex: Any, though tends to prefer to appear male
Height: Any
Residence: Star City
Position: He's a young god. You think he works?
Description: Trying to put a description to Luceum is foolishness, because it can change at the drop of a hat, the move of a mood, or the shifting of a situation. He can be anything, and he takes advantage of that fact. More often than not, though, he is male and pretty-- though he's not above being female and pretty, either. 
Personality: Coming soon.... (arrogant, fun-loving, grudge-holding but slow to anger, hedonistic)




Webpage Design by Terry

Background borrowed with permission from Star City