Netahiln and Habithi's Story

Chapter Twenty-Two: Recruiting


::Scorch it!::

::Better not be literally. Watch the fire.::

Natron obediently banked her flames, but she was still fuming. ::He's recruiting!::

::You knew that,:: Rusaleon said from the couch, his voice still weak.

::And so are we,:: Netahiln added, glancing at him pointedly.

Yes, but Natron was still angry. Habithi Balechild didn't need any more help! Especially not help that was already full-grown and at full power. ::He's recruiting again. Those little gryphon-hydras turned up two demons today. Two! Demons! I don't even know how they found them!::

Netahiln sat up. ::Dangerous demons?::

::How should I know? I only just saw them!:: Natron flopped to the floor between Rusaleon's couch and Netahiln's armchair. ::It's just two more monsters to keep an eye on-- two more monsters who don't have any growing up to do and who'll be happy to kill, maim, frighten, or otherwise cause havoc!::

Rusaleon rumbled unhappily-- even as a kid, he still had that threatening yautie growl-- and Netahiln frowned. ::We'll just have to redouble our efforts. We'll have a third pair of eyes, soon, at least.:: She eyed Rusaleon again, then heaved herself up. ::If your shift's over, that mean's it's my turn.:: She shook herself out and headed out the door. ::Thanks for the heads up.::

::No problem,:: Natron grumbled.

::Sorry I'm not healed yet,:: Rusaleon sighed.

::It's not your fault,:: Natron answered. ::Though I wish we had more eyes to watch that whole damn group.... They just keep getting bigger.::

::So recruit, too,:: Rusaleon suggested, laying his head back down.

::Think we could cram more people in this apartment?:: she asked.

::Maybe. I wouldn't mind sharing, if it'd help.::

::That's sweet, but you might regret it.::

::I offered.::

Natron grinned at him, then looked around. ::I'll think on it.::

And maybe... do some research.


Chapter Twenty-Three



Background from Background Paradise