Netahiln and Habithi's Story

Chapter Nine: Charade


Habithi had been half-expecting to be confronted by someone eventually for Terebinth's continued presence on the ship and, now, the presence of the annoying cat, who he'd taken to calling "Nuisance". No matter how uncomfortable he made the general crew with his own continued presence, he was a dreaded Balespawn and a candidate, and so had not only every right to be aboard until the biotheurge but was unlikely to be challenged, himself, even if he hadn't been.

Terebinth, however, was not officially signed up for anything, and despite being "attached" to him in official records, she was technically a guest. And the Twisted Fate did not allow guests. Whether or not they allowed pets, Habithi had never asked, but given Nuisance's tendency to light up like a corruptive torch at random intervals that no one except Terebinth seemed able to predict, he expected she wasn't particularly welcome, either. Especially not after turning that random lab assistant's foot to lead-- as much as he was loathe to so much as smile in the cat's presence, that had been pretty funny. For once, it hadn't even been his fault.

So it was without much surprise that, on his way out of the Chosen Deck's single but at least fairly extensive gymnasium, he was approached by a pair of Custodians: a little anthropomorph and his drak bond. Terebinth didn't look surprised, either, but then, she knew everything, so she could never be surprised. The fact that Nuisance let out a friendly-sounding meow, not looking surprised, either-- cats never looked surprised-- was merely an afterthought.

The little anthropomorph Custodian, a yellow dog sort of creature, stood firmly, albeit nervously, in his path. For a long moment he stared the meek Custodian down, aiming to frighten him off and postpone the confrontation, but with his drak-bond supportively behind him, he apparently had enough guts to stand his ground. Either that or he was more concerned with what his supervisor would do to him if he failed to even address the dreaded Balespawn. Perhaps he had drawn the short straw or been picked by lottery or something.

However, he also seemed unwilling to actually speak, eyes jumping between snatching glances at each confronting face and staring almost shyly at the ground. So, rather than drag this little scene out unbearably, boringly long, Habithi took things into his own claws.

"Did you need something?" he asked, remarkably politely. He wasn't feeling particularly irritable today, anyway, and if he sent the little man running away screaming with looming, growling, and rumbling voice-- ::And bad breath,:: Terebinth put in, which he ignored except to smack her with the flat of his tail-blade, sending her tumbling off her feet until she picked herself back up, none the worse for wear and even more amused-- they'd only have to deal with this again, later. Best to get it over with.

"Uh." The Custodian looked up at him blankly-- probably expecting something less polite-- but then seemed to collect himself and nodded. "My name is Jabari Dunsimi, I'm one of the Custodians of the Chosen."

"Yes, yes," Habithi said impatiently. "I know who you are."

Well, he hadn't known his name, but his position was obvious. But Jabari didn't need to know that.

"Er, right." Momentarily flustered at being interrupted, Jabari paused to recollect his own thoughts again. Habithi shifted from foot to foot, wishing he'd get on with it. "It's come to the attention of the management that you have a guest aboard the shift. A pair of guests, in fact." His eyes flicked to Nuisance, who was circling his feet like a tiny, green shark, and purring noisily.

Once again, for just a moment, Habithi was tempted to chuckle at the little brat. He kept his expression neutral, however, and fixed his serpentine eyes back on Jabari. "And this is a problem?"

"The policy of the Twisted Fate is that no guests are allowed." When Jabari said it, it sounded apologetic.

"To the eyes of others, perhaps I am a guest-- but that is only until I explain the rest," Terebinth put in smoothly, smiling almost sweetly at the pair, which did nothing except make Jabari look more nervous.

"Er..." was all he said.

His bond decided to take it from there. "Perhaps you'd like to explain, then?"

"It is a simple answer, oh doubting Thomas: come hatching, I join the Chosen class."

"You've signed up as a Chosen, too?" the drak asked skeptically. "We weren't told."

"If that is what it takes to stay, my name will appear without delay," Terebinth clucked at him, as if this should be obvious.

Neither one could really refute that, since they weren't exactly turning away potential bonders at this point unless they caused a real problem for ship or crew. Jabari finally came up with, "Er, and the cat?"

Habithi smiled toothily. "If you think you can get rid of her, be my guest. I've been trying for the past week and a half without any results, but perhaps you would be more successful...."

Nuisance chose that opportune moment to flare up, the green fire catching the tufted end of the Custodian's tail, causing the tips of a clump of hairs to turn into.... Well, Habithi wasn't sure what it was, but it was something alive and decidedly unfriendly, since Jabari jumped and yelped as a number of tiny mouths started biting at his ankles. The drak shook himself with surprise and spat a tiny ball of acid at the fur in question, searing it right off and killing whatever Nuisance had inadvertantly created in the process. Jabari whined dogishly and looked mournfully at his tail.

"I think the cat can stay," the drak conceded, graciously enough for someone whose bond had just been "attacked".

"Thank you," Habithi said, just as graciously, and the pair finally stepped aside to let them pass. "It'll grow back," Habithi added with a smirk to Jabari as he passed him. The emaciated anthropomorph turned a particularly hang-dog expression on him, made even more poignant by actually being on a canine face. Terebinth patted him on the thigh as she passed him, in mock sympathy, making him jump and scuttle back towards his bond for protection.

Habithi waited until they were out of earshot to turn to Terebinth and ask skeptically, himself, "Signing up as a Chosen?"

Holding her hands out in a gesture of insolent helplessness, Terebinth said, "When it is minions you seek at this theurge, perhaps it makes more sense for us to splurge? While one may bring you aid, two may bring truth to charade."

"Hmph. If you say so."

He really was getting tired of that knowing smile of hers, dammit.


Chapter Ten



Background from Background Paradise