Ruining some evil-monster's day in as comical a way as possible, that's me!



Name: Darin'n'tahn
Guardian: Natron Chxalli
From: The Ring of Fire
Species: Meritan
Age: Youn
Sex: Hermaphrodite, but generally sticks to neuter; technically non-gendered
Height: will be 6' tall and 15' long full grown
Color: Green with white
Wings: Earth tones
Eyes: Gold
Residence: Star City Dragonry
Pets: ?
Personality: Coming soon.... (optimistic, scholarly, clever, party-animal) 

Telekinesis, Telepathy, Realm-Walking, Camouflage, Magical Manipulation, Gender Bending, Shapeshifting (dragon to anthro, with arms instead of wings)

Theme: ?


Netahiln's Story



Background from Background Paradise