Ian's Story: The Loss of a Ring

Chapter Three


It wasn't often that he was disappointed by a new addition to his Collection, or by the changes that it caused. There was one time that he remembered when he'd been disappointed, but he tried not to think about that. Every other object, with the memories wrapped up in it, had been highly satisfying, fulfilling the urge to take and watch for at least a little while.

Rarely did it take long before things began to fall apart because of the loss of a new piece of his Collection. He would wait and watch for a day, maybe two, and enjoy the ruin he had caused. Then he would be on his way, back to the Collection to install the new piece.

This time was not a rare disappointment. Things fell apart rapidly for the young human he'd chosen this time. His mate left him-- though he had the impression that this would have happened eventually, anyway, given how long she'd been carrying on with her new lover; still, knowing that he was the final straw was a heady feeling-- and his mind fell dark, slow, and sad. Without his mate, the young human couldn't even seem to function. He didn't leave his apartment for the next three days, and his workplace terminated his employment. His daughter, confused and unhappy, cried often and eventually was taken away by her barely-employed uncle and his big, silver dragon.

Yes, things had turned to ruin swiftly, beautifully, and he was pleased. He left the space station and young man behind him with a smile, already thinking of where he could put the lovely gold ring amongst the other things he'd taken. It was a worthy addition to the Collection, and that was the only thing that mattered.


Finding out that Nova had been having an affair for almost a year had been such a shock that Zale could hardly comprehend it. Neither he nor Wiro could understand how Ian-- who said he'd known-- had stayed calm and quiet about it to begin with, let alone for so long. As far as they'd known, his brother and his wife had been perfectly happy. They certainly had seemed happy.

:But then,: Wiro had mused, with unusual insight, :he is a very accepting and compassionate person. He loves her, so he overlooked that as long as he thought she was happy.:

Seeing how destroyed Ian was now that Nova had finally left was another shock. Within days he'd lost his job-- he simply stopped going, and never even called in sick-- and he looked like Zale expected he had during detox. It had been heartbreaking to stop by after getting a largely incoherent phone call from his screaming niece in the midst of a confused tantrum-- which was difficult in itself to fathom, as he'd never heard her cry like that-- and discover what had happened. Ian had looked and sounded terrible, and the only thing Zale could think of to do was let Bethany stay with him for a while, and visit as much as he could.

In that, however, it was Zale who was the insightful one. We're more alike than he'd ever admit, I think, he thought at Wiro that evening as he shut the door to his own bedroom behind him. Bethany would be using his own bed, as he'd never even thought that he might need a guest room and he'd never relegate his niece to the couch. He'd be sharing with Wiro on her massive couch, since she had plenty of room and, besides, had invited him to.

:How do you mean?: she asked with a frown.

Doesn't what he's doing seem familiar to you?

Wiro turned back her little ears. :Well, a little, but I didn't really want to say anything.:

Zale send her a reassuring smile to let her know he didn't mind talking about it, but his thoughts were serious. He reminds me of me, right now, back before I had you. Like this is a kind of withdrawal, for him, only without the drug. I think he's going to wind up hurting himself worse than he can fix if he keeps going like this.

:That's... not good.:

No, he agreed silently, it isn't. And he doesn't have anyone, the way I did-- I had him, and then you. Cannon, as if he'd heard that somehow, came up beside him and licked his fingers. And Cannon, he added, ruffling the great dog's ears fondly.

:He has you,: Wiro pointed out, as if that should have been obvious.

And what good is that going to do? Zale asked her matter-of-factly, coming out into her half of the suite. We might both be alike in depression, withdrawal, and obsessing over things, but I'm not the kind of person he is, otherwise.

:You can do plenty of good,: she huffed at him, brows coming down into a frown. :Just talk to him. Be there for him, like he was for you. That's not that hard. You love him, that's what matters.:

Zale smiled a bit. If I can think of anything to say, I suppose I can try.

:Even if you can't, just being there will help, I bet,: she told him firmly. :And... well, you did get me, didn't you?:

He looked up at her, not following, as he climbed the few human-sized steps he needed to get onto her bed. Yes, of course I did. And you were the best thing that ever happened to me.

Her glow of a blush made him chuckle, but didn't distract her from whatever she wanted to say. :Just... keep that in mind. Maybe if you can't help him, someone else who loves him can.:

I don't know if bonding would solve everyone's problems, he frowned, thinking. I was sort of a special case, I think. But... it's possible.

:He's always caring for other people,: Wiro said, sounding more confident than he did. :Maybe he needs some people to care about him, you know? Someone who isn't likely to leave or give up on him.:

After the long list of people who Ian's steady faith had supported, most of which had eventually betrayed that faith, Zale thought she had a point. "I'll think about it," he told her aloud, though then lapsed back into thinking at her. We'll see what happens over the next few days. I'll try talking to him.

:Just don't take too long,: Wiro warned, fretting, as she settled on her couch, putting one paw protectively around him. :He is hurting himself, and his daughter.... How long can she stay with us, without her parents, without something stable in her life?:

Zale sighed and leaned back into her fingers. "I know. I'll talk to him tomorrow."

:Good.: She brought her muzzle down to brush his hair with the tip. :Now get some sleep. Because I don't know about you, but I don't want to stay up all night.:

Zale chuckled and settled down on the massive mattress-cushion. "Good night, Wiro."

:Good night.:

Wiro was asleep quickly, but Zale was awake much longer, wondering how to help his brother-- and hoping that he could.


Star City

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Background from Background Paradise