Charmed, indeed....


See Erstens' hatchling image


Name: Erstens
Bond: Charm of the Sun's Print, left head
Co-Bond: Doppelth (right head)
Bonded At: Star City
Homeworld: Squall of the Sanctum Dream
Species: Fire Ridge and Ryshathian mutt
Age: Adult
Sex: Female
Height: 24'1" at the shoulder (was 3'3" at hatching)
Color: Green and Malicious Brown
Residence: Star City
Position: None
Personality: Erstens is a hard worker, dedicated and lotal, and she is most definitely not a talker. A definite doer, she'd rather be out destroying-- er, building a new future, than sitting around and talking about it. Yes, she does have a bit of a mean streak, mostly when it comes to idiots or annoying people, and she likes seeing what will happen when a fox is thrown among the dogs, or a dog among the foxes, or whatever your euphemism is for making trouble, but for the most part she keeps this to herself. Erstens is happiest when she's got her mind and paws occupied, so as not to think about what kind of trouble she could be causing for the sake of curiosity-- or revenge, whichever. 
Abilities: Teleportation, telepathy, flight, acid breath


Read the hatching story



Webpage Design by Terry

Background borrowed with permission from Star City